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Unwanted Attention


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Hi Folks.

This is what some toss-pot has done to my grill. sportifs2.gif

I'm not quite sure if they were trying to force the hood open. God only knows what their ultimate intentions were. I'm just happy my R's still in my possession.

You must forgive the state of the car. I covered over 200 miles in the last 2 days and it's caked in dirt and road salt. Hey, I love the thrashed look but even I must admit the car is filthy at the mo. grin.gif

TNM 1300049-A.JPG1300049-B.JPG1300049-C.JPG1300049-D.JPG1300049-E.JPG


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From the photos it looks like it will all just pop back into place which is good news and I would say its vandals as opposed to a thief/someone trying to get into the engine bay as anyone who does that sort of thing would know the grill is held on by the bonnet release and unlikely it could be pulled off with bonnet shut.

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Some nice prints on there for the police, saying that, they will probably not be interested. At least you still have your car!

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I was just thinking the same, give the boys in blue a ring, they may just suprise you and take those. 169144-ok.gif

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Not a chance mate, the wifes JCW was vandalised last year and they couldnt be less interested. "Is unfortunate but not a lot we can do"...."These things happen alot now im afraid"....were two of the helpful comments that i remember. I eventually got a crime number but feck all else SAUER0421.GIF





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Actually, even if the police were interested, they wouldn't be able to analyse the prints anyway. Their 'new improved fingerprint IT systems' are a right bag of shite, and, for example, possible throughput has dropped from 20,000 to 8,000, purely because of shitty systems.

I'm not defending 'Les Flics' but merely pointing out that yet another government controlled IT project has gone up the swanny becuase of needless 'improvements' to give the illusion of progress and 'being in the 21st century'.

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I understand they are going to less interested than say a murder but I would have thought a good set of prints might interest them although if there is no damage than I doubt a crime has actually been committed (or at least a crime that there is any chance of a successful conviction for)

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Thanks for all your comments guys.

A friend has clicked the grill back into place. You see, he's got no emotional ties to the car and was therefore able to apply more force than I was prepared to. The vandals had already broken the clip between the VW emblem and the left end of the grill and I feared losing another clip would be careless.

Maxyboy, full marks for your generosity ( 169144-ok.gif ) but the damage is not that bad. TBH, I was more concerned about what their intentions were. mad.gif

I promise to wash it this weekend if only to see the full extent of the scratches.


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