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A question about wipers


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I have seen recently flatbade wipers with adaptors for sale on flee ebay. You know the flexible type aparently they just fit straight on. Just wondering if any one here had taken the plunge and tried them and what were the results. I bought some new original Bosch blades but they still vibrate across the screen particularly when dry. Could it be that the arms are bent? Or could I try these new style ones?

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It needs to be curved don't change to a straight one NONO3.GIF

You can clean with wire wool but make sure the screen is well lubed. Try an inconspicuous area first and don't apply too much pressure (a good indication if you need to wire wool is the area that wiper doesn't sweep is visibly different to the sweep area). But first try polishing it with the AG polish - I'd work it in with a rotary polisher the buff off and remove the blades and clean them properly. I think Steelwind did a post in the cleaning area about wiper blades a while back.

Use the wire wool as a last resort 169144-ok.gif

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