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VW Scirocco


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Was at the Geneva motor show and the new VW Scirocco was there. Got to say I was very impressed with the styling...its far better looking than the Golf, lower too, always thought the Golf is too tall. Looks like I've found my next car. Its got the Golf dash and DSG. It definetly was the star of the show alongside the new Jag. New satnav looked very nice and it had Dynaudio speakers in the doors so sound should be good.

Prices haven't been announced but there are going to be very similar to the Golf. Only thing is the 2 litre turbo will be 197bhp according to the people I talked to at the stand rather than the Golfs 230bhp. VW in Switzerland also had 2.9% leasing on the GTI!! Thats a great deal.

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Its already a pain to keep track of what gear you're in manaul mode with 6, I don't want 7.

I've trained myself to keep a mental count but its taken a while for this to be natural, and my gf can still distract me with her wittering...GFs don't seem to understand that they're as a privelige, sharing in your driving prowess ;-))

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Before gear indicators became common over the last 2-3 years on motorbikes, it used to be a nightmare to keep track of what gear your in and you can't exactly look down at the gear lever 169144-ok.gif

If fact the only 2 gears you really need to know your in is 1st and top gear, all the rest are chosen based on the rev counter

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I find that being able to hear my engine's revs (as well as see the rev counter) because of having Milltek exhaust soundtrack, is what informs me if I'm in the appropriate gear. Using the revs is something I learnt on my Drivetrain performance driving course.

I agree with Cuprabob and you can quickly glance at the gear indicator if you need.

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A Storm model would be really good however, on the MK1, MK2 and Corrado the Storm didn't appear until end of life of each model.

One major issue i have will all the VAG companies is that they never give you much insight into what the model range is oing to be so you can make a good judgement.

Look at the MK2 TT for example, 2.0TFSI gets launched with FWD, now it's going to be AWD and they have released the TTS and nobody knows if there is going to be a TT-RS.

One thing I have learned is try not to buy a new model too early for this reason and also to make sure they iron out all those little bugs first.

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