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New Camera


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Going to New York in a few weeks and might look to get a new camera depending on prices (you don't seem to save that much even with the exchange rate). Nothing flash but something I can pull out my pocket and take a decent picture without having to cock about too much. I've looked on some of the websites in the sticky but they're mainly aimed at DSLR and that definitely isn't for me. Want to spend max of £200 probably around the £150 mark but just want a few recommendations that I can look out for and see if there are any bargains.

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You have to go to BH Photo, it is on 9th avenue, and is probably the biggest and best camera store in the world.

If you come off 34th Street from Broadway and turn left you can't miss it. 3 minute walk from Macys and the Empire State Building.

Not sure when you are going? But it is a Jewish run company and they close Saturdays and for holidays, it is passover the week starting 20th of April so they will be closed all week.

Once of the cheapest places to buy camera gear worldwide and as I said the biggest and arguably the best camera store in the world too, well worth a visit.

I would see what price you can find the Ricoh GRD-II for, or even the GRD on offer.


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You have to go to BH Photo, it is on 9th avenue, and is probably the biggest and best camera store in the world.

Oh yes +++ Watch out though they have slightly weird opening hours. Luckily enough they're not that far from anything so it's worth popping along when you can to see when they're actually open and if they're open, game on.

They do some good stuff - very good at emptying your wallet :eek:

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I'm temped by the DP1 (it's hard to argue with the size of the sensor), but f4 isn't exactly quick. And like you've said before the, the times when you don't mind having a compact with you, are the times you really need your DSLR. So it really cut it when it matters?

The GRD II goes down to f2.4 (I think), but with a smaller sensor. You can't have it always I guess. But in both instances, they only offer digital zoom, which brings me back to the DP1? 90% it's going to offer better cropped images.

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