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Times are hard - 15% off new BMWs'


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I presume that if a dealer is getting a car which is still spec changeable but it is coming then this is not that bad if the dealer group is running things for cash. Lots of dealers are going to go bust - only place a deposit with a credit card and don't let them have your px early unless they pay you for it there and then.

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I'm not buying, but here you go:

Williams Offers : VAT Offer

At first glance the BMW prices look like the base car price without options? If so those cars don't actually exist as the physically available cars will all have a spec on them that adds to the final price.....which would lead one to believe it's more of way of getting enquiries to convert people into physical cars (as they would have to be in order to meet their registration deadline of 19th December) and the resultant discount wouldn't end up being a straight 15% off down the line.

Or am I just being cynical?!

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An obvious question, but how??

Would love to hear the full details as 25% is just insane.....

Its just the difference between cash and profit. You can put up without the latter for a while as long as you have the former but not the other way round. I went into a local Audi garage at lunchtime last Thursday - I was the only punter in there and the staff looked as if the noose was being lowered over their collective necks in slow motion. There was a new Q5 sat there but it was completely irrelevant and half the showroom had been cleared of stock.

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That is exactly the problem - they will still lose shedloads from even 15% off.

Nice pic of the New Town BTW.

I'd be very tempted with 25% off a 335 coupe :grin:

You clearly know the new Town then, Merlot? Had just detailed the car and then did the photo shoot on Moray Place - Edinburgh's finest address. Sadly though, not my address. :grin:

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I'd be very tempted with 25% off a 335 coupe :grin:

You clearly know the new Town then, Merlot? Had just detailed the car and then did the photo shoot on Moray Place - Edinburgh's finest address. Sadly though, not my address. :grin:

Didn't want to appear too know it all but was parked on Moray Place last week and it looked familar. Always an easy place to get parked for a quick walk up to town for a meeting.

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"Its just the difference between cash and profit"

Have to disagree Andrew. It's the difference between selling an asset at a total loss or not selling it all. Any business that relies on cash/turnover alone doesn't have a hope in hell in surviving the recession.....

edit - it's also a guaranteed way to piss off current owners/trash residuals and ruin the market!!!

Edited by Gareth
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Didn't want to appear too know it all but was parked on Moray Place last week and it looked familar. Always an easy place to get parked for a quick walk up to town for a meeting.

That it is. Have you clients or an office in town?

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Its just the difference between cash and profit. You can put up without the latter for a while as long as you have the former but not the other way round. I went into a local Audi garage at lunchtime last Thursday - I was the only punter in there and the staff looked as if the noose was being lowered over their collective necks in slow motion. There was a new Q5 sat there but it was completely irrelevant and half the showroom had been cleared of stock.

I read an artical a week or two ago that stated that Audi was one of the few marquees who`s sales were stable....It did rather surprize me to be honest....Anyway I popped into my local Audi dealer the other day to book a service and in general converstion I mentioned I`d bought a 2nd hand Land Rover Defender to tow a Jet Ski and carry my Kayaks and associated parafanalia.....the look on their faces when I mentioned it was a CASH deal was one of stunned amazement....the conversation was literally stopped in it`s tracks.....and there was this moment of awkwardness when it dawned on me how desperate they were for my cash.....I almost felt like apologising.....in fact I actually said that the only reason I`d bought the defender was because I`d never take an Audi onto the beach to recover and launch the jet ski.....when I`d left I could`t believed that I`d actually found myself defending my decision.....but the place was dead and it was obvious they wanted to deal.......and to be honest if my Audi was 4 1/2 or 5 years old and not just over 3 I`d be treating myself to a heavilly discounted new car tomorrow.

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"Its just the difference between cash and profit"

Have to disagree Andrew. It's the difference between selling an asset at a total loss or not selling it all. Any business that relies on cash/turnover alone doesn't have a hope in hell in surviving the recession.....

edit - it's also a guaranteed way to piss off current owners/trash residuals and ruin the market!!!

We are both right Gareth. Running a business for cash is a normal business strategy in the first phase of a recession. As stocks are then run down, businesses can then return to profit margins. Its a classic method of self preservation - some dealer groups will survive but many will not, it is that bad. Whether or not current owners or residuals are trashed is something which most DPs do not have the luxury of thinking about at the moment.

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We are both right Gareth. Running a business for cash is a normal business strategy in the first phase of a recession. As stocks are then run down, businesses can then return to profit margins. Its a classic method of self preservation - some dealer groups will survive but many will not, it is that bad. Whether or not current owners or residuals are trashed is something which most DPs do not have the luxury of thinking about at the moment.

With the huge costs involved in the motor industry it is impossible to survive as a dealership and/or manufacturer on purely turnover without profit.

I do agree that most DP's don't give a stuff about current/past owners cars but what I was trying to illustrate is that on the one hand the car buying public (including the good folks of TSN) cannot expect to have it good at both ends of the equation. By that I mean if they're buying a car with a huge discount it does partially negate the ability to complain at the poor trade in/value when they come to sell in a few years time....it obviously has a downward spiral for the car/brand in question.

It seems like only a few years ago (ok, perhaps at least 6-8!!) that you bought a prestige German car for, say, £25,000 new with little or no discount and then 2 years later you got £20k for it. Now that same car-due to market pressures/clamour for sales/market "leadership"-listed at £25k and bought for, perhaps, £22k will be worth £8k in two years....

Just a thought on what is a much larger topic aside from just buying a car "cheaply"

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Dealer Principals. Gareth's in the trade whereas I just buy a lot of cars!

I do recall, Gareth, buying a new three series coupe over a decade ago and selling it after nearly two years for 80% of what I paid for it. Those were actually cheaper times all round. We might get there again if BMW et al halve production.

I'm seriously worried about how many businesses are going to fail in the first half of next year. Audi UK and BMW UK might have to buy a lot of dealerships up to maintain the illusion of stability but it won't stop some DP's offering 'silly' deals meanwhile as they struggle to deal with macro-economic conditions they are ill equipped to handle - most were not working at a senior level in the last recession.

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