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why are old ladies allowed to drive?


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On sunday we were having a nice gentle drive towards Tunbridge Wells and was going round a roundabout when an old biddy was coming towards me going round the roundabout the wrong way:eek:

I managed to avoid her but had i been driving a bit more spirited i think it would have resulted in a head on,

get them off the roads i say

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I lived in Eastbourne (Hello Tipex) for about 14 years during the 80's and I remember walking in a quiet residential road near to Gildredge Park, when I saw a car parked alongside a row of parked cars. The driver, a very elderly lady, was attempting to reverse into a space in the parked row. Instead of sweeping in and geting the job done, she proceeded to reverse on full lock, with the car reversing in a circle, bashing cars on her way round. She must of completed 1440 degrees with her speed increasing as she went round and round, before she was able to take her foot of the accelerator. I stood there in total shock trying to take it all in, laughing my arse off. She must have damaged 4-5 cars in her panic! Neighbours came out to calm her and to assess the damage to their cars. Poor old girl!

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In general the more of a meance to society you are the more human rights you have!

:confused: Um, thats the whole point of human rights, all humans have the same rights. :confused:

Steve - FWIW, I once went round a roundabout the wrong way in Paris, in a Hertz Mini Cooper, I did have the Italian job on the CD at the time though :grin:

Edited by theduisbergkid
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Driving in Eastbourne is a bit of a lottery really, you need shed loads of luck to get anywhere in one piece!

We used to live in the town centre and opposite the house was a small church, my mums car used to get bashed scraped and dinged every Sunday by old dears pressing the wrong pedal in their automatics cars, 2 of her cars got written off!

Barely a week goes past without some old dear ending up in someones garden/lounge/swimming pool round here, and the reason? they all drive autos, and panick when they hit the wrong pedal!

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But the choice of pedals cant be that hard, there is only two!!

Even if you come down to "enie meanie minie mo" in the heat of the moment, you only need to go one round before remebing the wide one is the brake!

You would think it'd be easy wouldn't you, but they just panic, mash the pedal harder and what will be will be!

One old dear who'd just rammed my mums car into the car parked in front of it, then rammed the car parked behind her too, reckoned that the car behind her (and I quote this word for word) "Parked too close and must have upset her car".

The police arrived and she point blank refused to accept any responsibility whatsoever, the officer suspecting the obvious, but giving her the benefit of the doubt, got in her car, and tried to start the car in 'D' and it wouldn't start, he tried every position and it would only start in 'P' or 'N' so ruled out any mechanical fault.

The old bag still refused to take responsibility for it.

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The police arrived and she point blank refused to accept any responsibility whatsoever, the officer suspecting the obvious, but giving her the benefit of the doubt, got in her car, and tried to start the car in 'D' and it wouldn't start, he tried every position and it would only start in 'P' or 'N' so ruled out any mechanical fault.

The old bag still refused to take responsibility for it.


On this topic I was at my local Tesco an hour ago getting some lunch and some blind 98 year old in a Meriva, came flying down the one way system (The wrong way) and nearly clouted me.

How do they do this? How do they miss an enormous red sign with a white line through it. And the enormous writing that says NO ENTRY? People caught doing this by the police should be made to go on a sort of refresher course to prove they are road worthy.

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