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More fun and games before F1 gets going!

Barry Scott

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I keep on reading about this diffuser but would quite like one of the sites to show some diagrams of what it looks like and what the others look like so I have some idea of what the hell they're all on about. has anyone seen anything like that anywhere?

Also how fast do people really reckon the Brawn is? i'd love to see them do well but the betting sites are offering evens on Lewis Hamilton scoring more points than Jenson Button this year (they make Button the favourite). I'm sorely tempted by a bet on Lewis...

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I keep on reading about this diffuser but would quite like one of the sites to show some diagrams of what it looks like and what the others look like so I have some idea of what the hell they're all on about. has anyone seen anything like that anywhere?





Not that this helps explain what they have a problem with! :confused:

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Also how fast do people really reckon the Brawn is? i'd love to see them do well but the betting sites are offering evens on Lewis Hamilton scoring more points than Jenson Button this year (they make Button the favourite). I'm sorely tempted by a bet on Lewis...

I think Brawn were consistently showing the best part of a second advantage in testing. With no in-season testing allowed this year, it's going to be hard to make up ground, but with a bigger budget we could expect Ferrari, McLaren and a couple of the others to start to close in on them by halfway through the season. However, McLaren are coming from a long way back.

The diffuser thing could be key, if it really does make the half second difference that Ferrari claim. Losing that much advantage would leave Brawn still in front, but within reach of clever strategy or balls-out driving by the other teams.

This is the same old cycle of protest and advancement we know so well. If a team fits a new bit of tech, the quickest way for the other teams to deal with it is to protest, while rushing to develop their own versions. If it gets the green light, everyone copies the pioneer. If it gets the red light, the other teams in effect get a free advance at the expense of the pioneering team, with the possiblity of a bonus if points get docked as well.

Edited by Teacake
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I think Brawn were consistently showing the best part of a second advantage in testing. With no in-season testing allowed this year, it's going to be hard to make up ground, but with a bigger budget we could expect Ferrari, McLaren and a couple of the others to start to close in on them by halfway through the season. However, McLaren are coming from a long way back.

The diffuser thing could be key, if it really does make the half second difference that Ferrari claim. Losing that much advantage would leave Brawn still in front, but within reach of clever strategy or balls-out driving by the other teams.

Hopefully it will all add up to an exciting and unpredictable season, no more two horse races! +++

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I'm not to sure either. The thing is some teams have had the issue reviewed by the FIA already and they said its fine. It seems other's teams haven't gone as far within the rules as others.

I just wish it could be cleared up a lot faster than it is, this has been around for a few weeks, I posted about it in another thread.

Why is it that F1 is all about contraversy other than damn good solid bloody racing these days. :ffs:

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I think Brawn were consistently showing the best part of a second advantage in testing. With no in-season testing allowed this year, it's going to be hard to make up ground, but with a bigger budget we could expect Ferrari, McLaren and a couple of the others to start to close in on them by halfway through the season. However, McLaren are coming from a long way back.

The diffuser thing could be key, if it really does make the half second difference that Ferrari claim. Losing that much advantage would leave Brawn still in front, but within reach of clever strategy or balls-out driving by the other teams.

This is the same old cycle of protest and advancement we know so well. If a team fits a new bit of tech, the quickest way for the other teams to deal with it is to protest, while rushing to develop their own versions. If it gets the green light, everyone copies the pioneer. If it gets the red light, the other teams in effect get a free advance at the expense of the pioneering team, with the possiblity of a bonus if points get docked as well.

Totally agree Teacake - good summary. +++

Would love to see a complete mix up this season, support Ferrari but love to see underdogs do well and get up there. Roll on Sunday :)

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Dont care if the car is 20 seconds a lap quicker than anything else. The biggest factor is Button will be driving it. He hasn't the skill or the balls to overtake my mum in her Honda CRV let alone a top driver. There is no way i would put any money on him unless its for a mid table finish.

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Dont care if the car is 20 seconds a lap quicker than anything else. The biggest factor is Button will be driving it. He hasn't the skill or the balls to overtake my mum in her Honda CRV let alone a top driver. There is no way i would put any money on him unless its for a mid table finish.

What evidence do you have to support your outspoken view? :confused:

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Having looked around a few places I think I found a little more info about what the issue is, not sure how good my explanation will be though...

Apparently there is a fixed permittable width for the diffuser on the rear of the car (which the teams have adhered to) however they've done some jiggery pokery with the design of the bodywork on either side of the diffuser to effectively give them more downforce, this means that these parts although not part of the diffuser are acting like a diffuser. And the other teams don't like it because they didn't think of it first.

I suspect that if 7 teams had come up with the idea and 3 hadn't that the 3 wouldn't of kicked up a stink and simply amended their own designs to fit but as it's the other way round the majority are causing a stink.

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The biggest factor is Button will be driving it. He hasn't the skill or the balls to overtake my mum in her Honda CRV let alone a top driver. There is no way i would put any money on him unless its for a mid table finish.

:grin: really, he's actually not that bad behind the wheel - skill/balls, got those boxes ticked +++

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What evidence do you have to support your outspoken view? :confused:

Too many times i have seen Button close up behind far slower cars and he never makes the pass. You may say aerodynamics but others manage it.

Another interesting thing i see from race to race is how Button tails off towards the end of the race, maybe fitness or maybe his beard grows so long he has trouble seeing.

These are just my observations and sorry this wouldnt hold up in a court of law as "Evidence". Just my humble opinion.

Last year Hamilton had the best car but you could still see he has real talent, i dont think we will see that with Jenson

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Too many times i have seen Button close up behind far slower cars and he never makes the pass. You may say aerodynamics but others manage it.

Another interesting thing i see from race to race is how Button tails off towards the end of the race, maybe fitness or maybe his beard grows so long he has trouble seeing.

These are just my observations and sorry this wouldnt hold up in a court of law as "Evidence". Just my humble opinion.

Last year Hamilton had the best car but you could still see he has real talent, i dont think we will see that with Jenson

JB had one of the worst cars on the grid last year which Honda did not even bother updating for most of the season choosing instead to concentrate on the 2009 car.

Will be interesting to see if LH still "shines" as brightly in a car not so dominating!! lets be honest they are all seriously good to even get on that grid and I do think JB with decent tools will come alive this year. Fingers crossed anyway.

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Unless Button and Lewis drove the same car it is hard to see who would be quicker/better. The nearest thing we have is the Top Gear times, anyone want to take a look?

Always subjective even in the same car as drivers all seem to favour diff types of car and set up. TG track I think LH just pipped him but it was wet but also a diff "reasonably priced car" so hard to use that as a benchmark.

Hope this years 2009 aero changes make it easier to race each other. KERS could be very interesting once that gets sorted and works!!

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Too many times i have seen Button close up behind far slower cars and he never makes the pass. You may say aerodynamics but others manage it.

Another interesting thing i see from race to race is how Button tails off towards the end of the race, maybe fitness or maybe his beard grows so long he has trouble seeing.

These are just my observations and sorry this wouldnt hold up in a court of law as "Evidence". Just my humble opinion.

Last year Hamilton had the best car but you could still see he has real talent, i dont think we will see that with Jenson

I'd agree with your view on button on recent form, but when he first came on the scene he did a very good job. He showed on many occasions that he is a true and very ballsy racer.

He might not be as good as the very best but easily as good as the likes of Coulthard IMO and beyond on his best days. +++

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