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Do Audi want to sell me a car?!


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Hi All,

Not posted for a while - but it's that time again when I need to look at replacing my car.

I'm looking at the S4, well truth be told I'm at that point when I'm desperate for one having just seen one it the flesh over the weekend!

I have visited two dealers now and I don't think either of them wants to sell me a car!

The first seemed totally disinterested has taken all my details had a look a my existing car for PartEx said they would get back to me with a price and guess what I've heard nothing nearly 3 weeks after going in!

So I went to my other local Audi dealer over the weekend and after been told that there were absolutely no discounts on the S4 (even though the other dealer said about 1.5K without any prompting)!

I had also priced the car up on Broadspeed (any advice relating to purchasing through Broadspeed or other broker appreciated) depending on model/spec discounts ranged from 3-4K. I relayed this to the dealer and after he had recovered I was very polity asked to leave! The salesman however gave me his card and told me to call him if I managed to source the car with a discount. Didn't really seem to know much about the brokering channel or how it worked, just tried to give me a horror story about his sister!

I also asked the both dealers about the availability of MMI 3G, and of course they would get back to me on that!

So I have just phoned Audi customer services and spoken to a very nice man there who was surprised that MMI 3G was not available on the A4/S4 but would call me back, and guess what he did ring back within 5 minutes! He say's summer (but no definitive date) which I guess fits in with build week 22 which I have seen somewhere else. But if we are in week 13/14 now then it must be coming up to the time when it can be ordered!

I just can't believe Audi or any manufacturer for that point can release a car which they expect you to spend nearly 2K on an option which is effectively "old technology" even before you have got the car!

Sorry for my brain dump, anyone else had a similar experience lately?

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If I was ordering a car at this stage in the year then I would wait for the model year change. In passing I asked two dealers about S4 discounts on factory orders and one said 5% and the other 8%. Didn't press either and more would have been possible I guess. However, at a £45k+ list price for a decent spec I doubt whether I will buy a new car again. Used is the way to go.

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Hi Merlot,

Thanks for that, My spec is looking around 41K including all the essentials S-Tronic, full drive select, rear sports diff, technology pack and a few more bit's and bobs. Broadspeed can apparently discount my spec to about 37K which I would be happy with. I'm also looking at keeping this one for 4-5 years so the spec would need to be bang on.

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I also asked the both dealers about the availability of MMI 3G, and of course they would get back to me on that!

So I have just phoned Audi customer services and spoken to a very nice man there who was surprised that MMI 3G was not available on the A4/S4 but would call me back, and guess what he did ring back within 5 minutes! He say's summer (but no definitive date) which I guess fits in with build week 22 which I have seen somewhere else. But if we are in week 13/14 now then it must be coming up to the time when it can be ordered!

I just can't believe Audi or any manufacturer for that point can release a car which they expect you to spend nearly 2K on an option which is effectively "old technology" even before you have got the car!

Sorry for my brain dump, anyone else had a similar experience lately?

Audi, the A4 and MMI 3G introduction has just been a pretty infuriating episode for me... I was ready to dump my 54 A4 in favour of a new A4 around January - but I'm not an idiot, I did some research on this forum and other places on t'Internet and found out about MMI 3G. Suffice the say the dealer sales person didn't inform me of it at all when I was looking in late 2008... whether that was because they didn't want to put me off, or they didn't know - I'll never know. But Audi do seem to be very effective at keeping useful decision-making information from the customers out there... you really have to pry it out of them.

All of this is the sole reason that I am driving an SLK 280 now - and enjoying it - and starting to wonder what Mercedes saloons will be like. Audi really do my head in - but they make good cars. It's not often I experience customer service so poor - Currys might be on a par with them - but I actually had a good experience at Currys recently. Any interaction with Audi makes me edgy... sad.

Cheers, DpM

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All manufacturers' try to hide info on model year changes, its quite normal - BMW are just as bad. You just have to be savy as you obviously are.

My Audi dealer did`t.....I was thinking about buying a TT a 4yrs ago...about April/May 05...(I stress just thinking...as I had`t done any research about impending model updates)....and he told me straight up that an all new TT would be launched within a year....and as it turned out I think the new model was launched over a yr later in the uk....In the end I decided the TT was too impractible for my needs at the time so I eventually returned to discuss buying an A3.....again he was dead straight with me and told me there was a model update due and advised me to hold on for a few weeks before ordering.....Having discovered sites like TSN, I`am now all too aware about model updates and revisions to spec.

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The salesman however gave me his card and told me to call him if I managed to source the car with a discount. Didn't really seem to know much about the brokering channel or how it worked, just tried to give me a horror story about his sister!

Why do car salesmen say that and think that customers would get back to them? They should realise that they get one chance at a 40k sale and offer the best deal/discount they're authorised to give. If you've walked away dissatisfied you're not likely to feel any obligation or desire to give them a chance to match another's price!

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My Audi dealer did`t.....I was thinking about buying a TT a 4yrs ago...about April/May 05...(I stress just thinking...as I had`t done any research about impending model updates)....and he told me straight up that an all new TT would be launched within a year....

This is all I would ever ask of someone trying to sell me something. I understand we've all got to make a living, but I would value a salesperson's advice infinitely more (and I would remember it and act accordingly) if past experience didn't lead me to believe they're all bilkers. I think, with cars, they often think "that's the last time I'll ever see that chap again, anyway, so what have I got to lose?" I mean, three to four years (removing servicing from the equation) is a long time for us, and for them - it won't be them in the chair the next time around, more than likely. If they truly wanted a relationship with their customers - one that lasted longer than new model introductions and credit crunches - and they could be rewarded for that - then things might be different.

I'm an optimist.

Cheers, DpM

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Hi... Hull Audi and Grimsby Audi both have a S4 in stock in the showroom.

I think the one at Grimsby has the 3G MMI installed as I remember reading about the little toddler stick in the middle of the big chrome Knob. I could be wrong though.

Both cars are about £45K

As for the sales mens attitude, I'm having the same thing with Hull Audi.


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Yes, it's all very odd still not had any contact from the 1st dealer I went to so I'm just holding on now. I will wait until MMI 3G is available to spec and go and get a quote off Broadspeed, it's a shame as I would much rather deal with my local dealers one of which I've had both of my previous Audi's from. It's an odd stance I can't operate my business like Audi dealers do, well I could but I wouldn't be around for very long!

Maybe if I didn't have an Audi already it might be a different story, I'll have to borrow my neighbours M3 and maybe then they will actually put some effort in and try and sell me a car?!

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At last, Audi have decided they want to sell me a car!

Went in on Saturday (for the 3rd time) and I actually had a really good experience with an Audi Sales person. Really friendly, completely open and willing to bend over to accommodate me. I ended up placing the order for the 2010 model S4 so now it's just the wait for delivery. Just getting over the sick feeling of spending that much money on a car, but the more I read about the S4 the better I feel.

Just waiting for the dealer to confirm the build slot and it will defiantly be a 2010 build, which is the only thing worrying me from that side well apart from them screwing the spec up!

Probably be the longest 12 weeks of my life!

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When I said the Audi saleperson was "willing to bend over to accommodate me" this is not a new service they offer when buying a car! I've just read my post back and I'm rolling about laughing... Please don't go to your local Audi dealer and ask them for this "because you heard it on Tyresmoke"!

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Yes! MMI 3G was part of the order.

Just waiting for confirmation that my build slot is definatly a Y10 build, obviously if it isn't I will be waiting for/insisting on a slot that is. According to the document that Scotty posted if any Y09 slots were still available for a specific model then ordering would be kept open until all Y09 slots were filled. It's all a bit confusing but until the dealer places the order which because of the bank holiday will be tomorrow or Wednesday I won't know for sure.

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It's all a bit confusing but...

All deliberately confusing, I bet.

I'm obviously wondering about MMI 3G for the A4, not S4, and was told (assured) I'd be contacted by an eager Audi salesperson when that option was ready for ordering, i.e. the week 22 date that is punted around so often. What are we at now, week 16 I think.

In my mind, there are low odds of this happening, but I hope to be proven wrong.

Cheers, DpM

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Hi DpM,

Yes MMI 3G is now available to order on all A4 models, the Audi website has the latest brochure with MMI 3G listed. Price is the same as before, all orders placed since the 10th "should" be a Y10 build. Of course as you would expect Audi Dealers are not as up to speed as us on all of this! You are correct also Week 22 is the change over week from Model year 09 to 10.

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All fits now. I had asked my Audi dealer why they'd not come back to me with this information and they replied: "We have had the official confirmation/price lists with this information today (our first working day since 9th April). From today we can now order the HDD Sat Nav system with MMI 3G on the A4."

I wonder if they would have got back to me in a day or so... I don't really believe so, so feel better for having chased them down. I realise I didn't really give them a chance, but I'm not feeling too guilty 'bout that.

Now... whether to plump for this now and get it as soon as I can or keep the SLK 280 for most of the summer.

Decisions, decisions.

Cheers, DpM

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  • 3 weeks later...

Had a call off the dealer on Wednesday (which was a miracle in itself) and my build is confirmed for week 22 (first week of MY10 production) :grin:! They are looking to get the car mid June so in as little as 6 weeks I could be in an S4 :eclipse:. I'm still a bit dubious they have got everything right, I asked them to read the order back and they keep referring to the Sat Nav as "DVD based" but they have assured me it is definitely a 2010 model so it will be 3G (I have this in writing just in case......)

You had any joy sorting yours out yet Scotty?

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OMG Don't say that - I've ordered Technology package – HDD Satellite Navigation system with MMI 3G – High, Audi Music Interface and cruise control.

That's what they've charged me for as well! But leave it to the dealer to feck it up.

I can't find the DVD based one in the Price/Specification guide so hopefully they can't order it - can they?! :mad:

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