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Are Audi drivers worse...


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... than BMW drivers now..

I had a bit of fun with a Audi 3.0 TDI infront the other day, with them baiting me and I took it... Got to a part where I over took on a dual carriage way and looked across to put the thumb up and nodd to say nice one.. and was just blanked!!!

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Give a fool his first turbo and it will probably on diesel, god he isnt!

Diesel noobs to seem to be everywhere these days, i guess they enjoy the boost over the normal nothings but it isnt quite as cracking as they had hoped!

Have you been drinking? Looks like you played boggle with the words in your sentence :P;)

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... than BMW drivers now..

I had a bit of fun with a Audi 3.0 TDI infront the other day, with them baiting me and I took it... Got to a part where I over took on a dual carriage way and looked across to put the thumb up and nodd to say nice one.. and was just blanked!!!

you boy racer you:grin:

when are you going to come to a meet again?

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I freely admit to driving like a nobber. Never needed an Audi to help me do that thank you.

I also admit to occasionally tailgating tailgaters. It's like a red rag to a bull if I'm in the slow lane and see it. Enhanced by switching off lights, setting to high beam then turning on again for that Stephen King Mentalist affect. Or lights off and tap on the drivers side window at 120 mph if on the bike. Insane but one was young :).


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I also admit to occasionally tailgating tailgaters. It's like a red rag to a bull if I'm in the slow lane and see it. Enhanced by switching off lights, setting to high beam then turning on again for that Stephen King Mentalist affect. Or lights off and tap on the drivers side window at 120 mph if on the bike. Insane but one was young

You psycho, Bill :P Thank heavens you're down in Kent, as I wouldn't want to upset you on the road! :grin:

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...Got to a part where I over took on a dual carriage way and looked across to put the thumb up and nodd to say nice one.. and was just blanked!!!

The driver more than likely felt threatened by you and felt highly inferior to having been "beaten" - probably hurt his pride, too. You get knobs in all marques of cars, but here in Scotland they wear cheap sports clothing, wear caps and drive old Subaru's!

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you boy racer you:grin:

when are you going to come to a meet again?

I do want to, just been busy with work, which not really good enough I know.

Boy racer yes but at least acknowledge the fact that it takes 2. Not sure if he wanted to due to having his family in the car who were all looking at the car as we come from the slip road onto the dual carriage way.

I was just annoyed that he didn't move over as when i bought the car it said that the outside lane was part of my ownership. :P

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I think there's a mass of yesterdays saddo diesel drivers being given newer diesel tech and thinking they are Schumacher clones by being lulled into the initial slug of torque equating to power and speed. The number of times you see a diesel driver putting their foot down and initially getting away only to be caught as they run out of revs never ceases to amaze me.

Must admit I had a 'play' with a 330d coupé last night who resulted to flashing his lights at me as I easily drove away from him. Having said that, if I was pootling in the wrong gear he could have caught me napping and gone home to brag to his wife about how he blew a Porker away but we all know his Mrs would be thinking he's still got a weener and is crap in bed.

But back to the original post, yes, there does seem to be on avaerage more Audi driver cocks but they are closely followed by BMW.

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It's interesting how quickly Jeremy Clarkson can influence the masses ;)

i've owned a diesel Audi for 4 years but haven't really changed my driving habits from when I owned a petrol car. Only thing it has done is make me lazier in the higher speed range, but I still give it a pasting if I want to just like the petrol car!

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Haha Richy yes, the kinda people i mean!

I often talk to people about there cars, clients, friends etc. and those with TDs say "its got a turbo, you can feel it much more powerful then my old 2 litre or one point eight".

On the road ego, "turbo boosted". Try the equivalent engine in petrol aka 2.0T 200 vs. 2.0 TDi 140 and then you will see what turbo is about!

Ok....maybe i spent to long in T5s at work and my business partners Saab turbos!

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It's interesting how quickly Jeremy Clarkson can influence the masses ;)

Also interesting how often it's assumed that people are wholly incapable of independent & possibly rational thought and instead must have every posible opinion spoon-fed by ole pube 'ead.:)

Reality, as always, is a little from column A and a little from B.

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