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Possibly knackered a mates PC - Help!


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Went around to friends house and he said his PC was running slow so I did ran CCleaner and removed aload of stuff and then Spybot and removed alot of spyware. It then asked for a restart.

Restarted and now when he logs in he enters his password then it gives you a split second look at his wallpaper before going back to the password screen and keeps doing it over and over again!

Safe mode it does it, system restore mode it does it. He has loads of his kids pictures on the PC and is going to beat me alot if Ive managed to wipe any of his pictures off of it.

Help me! Any ideas? Is it likely to have damaged the hard drive? it boots alright so hopefully I havent

P.S I think the moral of this story is in future keep ones gob shut and leave these things alone.

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I very much doubt that the pictures have been deleted. You could try taking the hard drive from his PC, putting it in yours as a secondary drive (ie, so that your PC won't try to boot from it). You should then be able to access his hard drive and copy the important stuff off.

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What Operating System is it?

Do you mean system restore or recovery mode?

Are you using the same account when booting up in safe mode? try using a differnent account to see if it's a profile issue, which i suspect.

Assume XP - Recovery mode may help you out with an XP install CD. Make sure you're not using a system restore CD as it's likely to wipe the drive.

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Its running Windows Professional or something similar to that. Quite an old version of an OS.

Tried running it as administrator but it just throws up an error like something is missing.

Im dropping it into the local Computer place on Tuesday and am gonna leave it to the experts before I create more problems. The guy there who Ive known for years thinks it maybe a registry issue due to removing stuff with spybot and CCleaner.

If I was more confident about what I was doing I would give it a go, but because its a mates and he would kill me if I wiped anything off of it Im gonna let the experts give it a go.

Thanks for all the advice and putting my mind at ease about wiping anything.

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Your winstart process is broken.

Logon and while it's thinking about it before logging you out press ctrl-shift-escape quickly. You should get the task manager. On the task manager File/Run and type explorer.exe.

Should start explorer.

If it still logs you out, try again with cmd.exe /k

Should start a DOS prompt. Get explorer or a DOS prompt working and fixing winstart is simple +++

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