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Tire Pressure ?


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If you under-inflate the front tyres, the car will understeer and you will get horrible wear on the tyres - the outside edges of the tyres will wear first.

If you over-inflate the rear tyres, the car is likely to oversteer (i.e. the back end will come out) and it will be horrible in the wet.

There was a post in the Trackdays forum about a month ago from someone in an S3 going around Donington who was going to over-inflate the rear tyres "so the car would oversteer".


Best advice is to stick to the manufacturer's recommended pressures - your tyres will last longer and the car will handle properly. 169144-ok.gif

Blimey, that sounds like some advice from an old fart...



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Blimey, that sounds like some advice from an old fart...

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Wouldn't that over inflate them again though.


TAXI! suicide.gif

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Depends whether you've had a vindaloo the night before. Always works a treat... tongue.gif

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The tyre pressure vary! smashfreakB.gif

If you a fat bastard shocked.gifand have 4 fat friends more psi

If your a light weight and hate everyone (no friends) less psi.

Then there's, road type, how you drive, speed you drive at and the weather to consider (warm weather means hotter tyres means a higher presure in the tyre).

Personally, its down to taste. I drive 75% time billy no mates, drive fast, enjoy a good fast bend and work on 36-38 fronts and 38-40 backs of GSD FI's.

If it's really hot (not often) then I'll drop the pressure all round by 2 lbs psi all round,


Do bare in mind that garage psi metre are absolute cack, so best if you have your own, which allows for best accuracy!

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