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Just home in sunny Warwick - roof down most of the way... ECLIPSe.gif

Thanks Ari for fantastic organising and to everyone at the meet - brilliant to put faces to names.


Apologies for having the dirtiest rear parcel shelf blush.gif, congratulations to UBM for a superb job with the chainsaw and Sparky's motor. FIREdevil.gif

Will upload pics later.

Great day, well worth the trip, thanks again all! 169144-ok.gif

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Had an amazing time, well worth the trip down there. Covered something like 600 miles I think. It`s the first time I`ve taken the car on a long run like that so I`ll have to work out the MPG later [Though I think I used as much fuel in the short run down to Poole from Bath as I did getting to Bath in the first place. How`d that happen... sekret.gif]

Thanks to Tony for giving me a place to stay saturday night.

Also thanks to everyone else that turned up and made the event what it was beerchug.gif

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Fantastic workmanship by the blingmeister there! notworthy.gif

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Yes, its particularly clever how he had the time to add chrome wing mirrors and the chrome line around the windscreen....quite a clever chappy!

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They don't call him the blingmeister for nothing, absolutely masterful transformation.

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... so I`ll have to work out the MPG later [Though I think I used as much fuel in the short run down to Poole from Bath as I did getting to Bath in the first place. How`d that happen... sekret.gif]

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Yes, odd that!

During the same trip I observed that it is in fact possible to wheelspin an Audi quattro on dry tarmac, provided it is one with 4.2 litres and (well) over 300hp! sekret.gif

Impressive stuff Cabmac! notworthy.gif

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Well said. For anybody else that wasn't there my A4 was going round the corner in three wheels. Hairy stuff thanks to Bump_RT. Now who said that TDi-s aren't fun to drive? smashfreakB.gif

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They aren't fun to follow, someone get me an iron lung! yelrotflmao.gif169144-ok.gif

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