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Front parking sensors


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Anybody got front parking sensors? Starting to wonder whether I should add them to my Cab order (only £160 more than the just the rear sensors).

How far do they sense to both sides? Reason I ask is that I have a pile of stuff in my garage and it might be useful to inch it in that extra last bit (but wouldn't be much good if it was bleeping because of the stuff piled down the sides slap.gif).

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Hi Pre-cab

I have the front and rear sensors. Sales person tried to tell me that they didn't do them on the front until I pointed it out in the brochure ROLLEY~14.GIF

I park in the garage every night and our garage has bits and bobs between my car and my hubbys. Tricky to tell you how far the sensors 'sense' but I would probably struggle without them. Having said that they are on the cautious side.

Definitely recommend them for manouevering though.. couldn't live without them now and if you find them annoying you can switch them off.

Hope that helps


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Chav - whats a cash draw and why would it be on the front bumper?!

[/ QUOTE ]

Chav meant you lose the cash draw on the dashboard as that is where the swiches/leds go for the sensors.

Rather than there being a cash draw on the bumper, although who knows with Chav.... grin.gif

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Thanks A4CG - sounds like they are one of those things that once you've tried them you wouldn't want to be without them. I didn't realise you could turn them off.

So I just need to decide if they are worth £160 of my heard earned...

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neighbour has one of them soft balls tied to the roof of his garage and when it hits his windcreen in front off him he knows to stop when hes moving about the garage he just hangs it up.Also the father-inlaw puts old carpets on his garage walls to protect the doors as its a narrow garage .All cheap but work great 169144-ok.gif

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No problem - just leave your £10 with the rest wink.gif

Mine was more of an autopilot rather than autopark.

One plus point is I have found I have become a bit blase about reverse parking at the moment. It's not as if I'm going to cause any more damage crazy.gif

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