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I've just got my insurance renewal through from Diamond and it's £1,233! EEK2.GIF

First Alternative only want £719.

How can they be so different...? UHOH7.GIF

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Some want new business badly, so the premiums drop. Always read the fine print first though. I mean, you will always be covered, but check if Legal Cover is in (even though its only £12 anyway to add on) and check how claims are made / dealt with / courtesy car etc. XS levels always play a part, so set it to what you want and then compare premiums.

I would try Confused.Com as they check loads of insureres. I always shop around every year and this site ACTUALLY works! I'm with Peoples Choice. Bit of paperwork to get it going and you have to declare mileage, but £400 cheaper than anyone else!

Check em out! 169144-ok.gif

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esure and First Alternative are the same company but FA are meant to insure the "more exotic cars" or drivers with points.

I am with esure and have studied their policy very carefully - there are no catches as far as I can see.

If FA offer you a decent quote I would use them.

For esure/FA customers: when renewal times comes don't accept their quote; go online as a new customer and you get the online and new business discounts again. I rang them and asked if this was OK and they had no problem with it. It saves me about £70 pa. 169144-ok.gif

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In my experience, esure/First Alternative are very competitive for drivers with a good history, maximum of 3 points and over 30.

It is underwritten by the HBOS so you can be confident in the company.

I have never claimed off them so can't comment on that side of the service but I haven't heard any bad feedback either.

I doubt anyone will beat FA's quote CG, it seems very competitive. How much did you pay last year by the way?

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Confused are offering me a Sabre policy for £2,400! NONO3.GIF

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Did you let the list complete fully? It takes about 15-20 mins. They will email you with best price. Mine was in the range of £2500 - £365 when they emailed....... about 30 mins later.

They were ok for my Starion - started at £5500 and went down to £1100 - not that i used them as its on a classic car policy for £250.

Worth a try though....... sorry if they were sh*t. wink.gif

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Try Prudential! - you don't have to be posh - but it helps!

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Do you mean privilege, UBM? wink.gif

I've swapped companies a few times recently because they are all different with different cars, i.e. Tesco covered my first Porsche but wouldn't cover the M3, so I went to Liverpool Victoria and then to Halifax for the last Porsche. Ranging from £420 - £570 App. But I'm now with Privilege for the S4 not just because they were cheaper than the others but also covered modifications and I'm still paying less than £600 with mods. grin.gif

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Confused doesn't cover Esure and the Royal Bank of Scotland group (which includes Tesco and Direct Line). If you’re just using Confused they’re worth checking separately.

Once you have the results from Confused and Insuresupermarket pick the top two from each (or four if you have more time) and requote on their websites. This way you may be eligible for further direct internet sales discounts.

Confused is a great site and I have used it for the last two times I've insured.


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I was with Admiral paying over £600 on an A3 3.2 quattro. Tried Confused and just about every other reputable internet broker.

First Alternative were the cheapest (10% discount for buying online) and got my premium below £400. Seem pretty decent so far.

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I've just got my insurance renewal through from Diamond and it's £1,233! EEK2.GIF

First Alternative only want £719.

How can they be so different...? UHOH7.GIF

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CG,try admiral, i have used them for a couple of years and both the S4 cab and now the avant have been below £600 with no request for a tracker 169144-ok.gif

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Try Prudential! - you don't have to be posh - but it helps!

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Do you mean privilege, UBM? wink.gif

I've swapped companies a few times recently because they are all different with different cars, i.e. Tesco covered my first Porsche but wouldn't cover the M3, so I went to Liverpool Victoria and then to Halifax for the last Porsche. Ranging from £420 - £570 App. But I'm now with Privilege for the S4 not just because they were cheaper than the others but also covered modifications and I'm still paying less than £600 with mods. grin.gif

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Yes I did mean privelege - oop!

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There are many variables that go to make up the final premium....age, experience, location, convictions, mileage, garaged or non etc etc that there is no 'best' insurer at any one time for all of us (and this ignores the loss leading quotes from new entrants buying marketshare).

However a few tactics to consider irrespective of the above variables are as follows;

1. Consider upping the excess from the standard to something that you are happy with or the insurer will allow.

2. Declare a second driver! Wierd as it sounds - but if you declare a spouse on the policy it can actually bring the premiums down. Even if they aren't goin to drive the it can make a difference.

3 Cut out/ decline unecsssary 'extras' e.g legal, free replacement car, Green card, breakdown etc. (New cars particualry Audis come with 3 year breakdown) - why pay twice? If you don't drive abroad what price Green card? What main dealer these days wouldn't loan you a car why yours is in for repair - few I'd guess?

Finally, and this works 90% of the time - when it comes to renewal always go back to your insurer and ask for them to reconsider - regardless by what amount it has gone up.

If the call centre operative hasn't discretionary powers then ask to be put you through to someone who does....It costs less to knock a few pounds off an existing premium in order to retain a customers than the costs associated with finding new ones and the "Customer Services" teams are geared up for this.

I'm sure others have there own tactics which would be nice to hear?


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