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Anti-Corrsion Warranty?


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Does anyone know if an anti-corrosion warranty is given with VW's?

I have a 2000 Passat and I have just noticed the start of a rust spot in the off-side rear corner of the roof. Its not big yet, about 5mm square but obviously will only get worse without treatment.

A friend has a E55 AMG on a V plate which corroded a bit around the boot lock. Mercedes were happy to sort it out.

I believe Audi have a 10 yer warranty, so I was wondering about VW??

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This is a link to VW's warranty page, detailing the anti corrosion warranty. The bit you need is about halfway down. It's important to note that the warranty covers you for "inside to out" perforation, not "outside to in". Therefore, if it's corroding from the outside you'll not be covered.

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Just been to Richard Alexander in Huddersfield. The bodyshop guy said he had never seen that sort of corrosion in that place before.

When taking the details he said there may be a problem getting the work authorised from VW due to the 180000 miles. Please correct me if I am wrong here, but my car has seen no more weather than a car of the same age with 20000 miles on it, so how can this be a factor in deciding if is covered?

Obviously mileage would matter if it was mechanical, but a rust patch on the roof? NONO3.GIF

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Hmm, I always was under the impression that VAG cars corrosion warranty was based on age... When I had the A4Q, I remember a big news item at the time being VW/Audi extending the warranty from 10 years to 12-13 years, as they'd never had a claim (or somesuch).

Surely if the car is less than 10 years old there should be NO issue.

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He's probably just covering his arse, as he says he hasn't had a claim like this before, and he won't have the experience of having one either approved or denied by VW.

I can't see there being a problem, as Rachel says, the warranty is based on age of the car rather than mileage.

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One thing I will say if they reject the claim, when the guy was having a look at it he was prodding around the effected area with his pen, sticking it in to the bubbles and bursting them, leaving an exposed area.

Now looks worse than before and will be open to the elements, so I deffo want that sorting. Checked on VWUK website aswell, doesnt mention mileage anywhere when refering to bodywork warranty.

Will update when they call me this week.

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I had probs with them [VW]...I claimed for rust thro' just b4 the 6 year anti perf expired on a 16v mk3...

they rejected it as it was not from the inside - out.

It was a 'paint defect' and as such was outside the warranty.

They offered £100 good will payment towards the costs.

there was no mileage limit involved.

good luck.. 169144-ok.gif

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Well, my current run of bad luck continues.

Spoke to Dealers today and they said my warrenty claim had been rejected. No reason given.

The bodyshop manager wouldnt speak to me, just passed this message on through the receptionist (I could hear him in the background).

Rung VW UK to see why it had been rejected, and they have no record of him requesting authorisation for the work. Explained to the customer services dept my problem, the fact that he had made the affected area much worse by his "probing". She was very helpful and said she will speak to the warranty dept herself and get back to me with an answer by monday.

Sounds like he couldn't be bothered doing his job, and just rejected the claim off his own back, the arse.

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I hope you got his name so you can tell the manager at the dealership what an arse he is. Then tell VW what a pack of arses they are at the dealership.

Go back down there in the morning, and tell them you want in writing why the warranty has been denied. Then while they're discussing this amongst themselves, tell them that you've already spoken to VW customer services who are in the process of investigating why no warranty request has been recieved by them. Don't leave the dealership without that letter.

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If/when I get the work authorised, I wont be going back to that particular VW dealership in Huddersfield for the work doing, even though I have had good service from them before.

I have given both the body shop and the dealers managers name to VW UK customer services. I have also let them know that my father is after a new car, probabley another Passat and I would be recommending he doesnt go there if this is how they treat their customers.......every little helps the_finger.gif

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  • 2 weeks later...

At last, got a call from VW UK today advising me why the Warranty work had been rejected.

It is due to the place of the fault, as they have said the centre of the roof has a full 12 years anti-corrosion warranty but any edge of the roof where the metal has been folded is only subject to 3 year cover!!!

I smell mucho dung.gifdung.gifdung.gif

Anyone ever heard of anything like this before?

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Ive got a copy of the full T's & C's of the Warranty and it says

"The only (repeat only!!)preconditions are (1)The defect must be reported to the authorised retailer within the warranty period

(2) The perforation has not been caused originally by damage or external rusting (3)The perforation has not come about through neglect (4)The retailer is told about any rusting, occuring from the inside out, immediately when it is found (5)All body repairs are carried out in accordance with the manufacturers specification and procedures, using only approved parts and materials, so the original level of anti-corrosion protection is maintained.

All the above have been met, so wheres the argument? SAUER0421.GIF

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Yes, you know that, and I know that. What you have to do is get them to prove you wrong. I bet they can't! wink.gif

Without written evidence to the contrary, your downloaded document (I presume it is) is legally binding.

When you call them back, tell them you are recording the call and DO record it. Ask them for what I said before, and if they refuse, tell them you're going to send a copy of all written and recorded correspondence to Paul Willis (head of VW UK), and also to a solicitor.

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Had another cal from VW customer services.

The warranty people have now decided the claim is rejected as in the area where the rust is, it couldnt have corroded from the inside out, and it is therefore classed as a paintwork problem, which would only carry a 3 year warranty.

Clever chaps those warranty guys, seeing as how they have changed their minds without seeing the car!! Funny how it has changed to fit in with the wording of the warranty aswell, as it is a 5 year old car and the problem is only covered by a 3 year warranty.

Anyhow, got them to put the full thing in writing so I can send it to Paul Willis (Told them this is why I wanted it and he seemed to go very quiet!)

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Yes, it is important to point out that the problem was no where near as bad until the VW aftersales staff assisted you with the problem, as you had assumed that VW maindealer after sales staff would have expertise in dealing with this problem and not exagerate(sp) the issue.

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Might also be worth mentioning that the bodyshop guy told you that your claim had been rejected, when he hadn't even requested it. Maybe the warranty department feel obliged to back his personal decision to deny your bodywork warranty repairs, when the decision is not his to make.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have eventually received a reply to my letter to Mr Paul Willis.

The letter states "The claim was rejected as the area affected, the roof edge fold, is not covered by the bodywork warranty, only the 3 year paint warranty".

I pointed out in my letter that nowhere in their terms & conditions does it stipulate this, and also that the bodyshop manager made the area much worse bu his probing. Both these points have been ignored in their reply.

Where do I go from here?

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hello new to the forum...having probs with VW myself (if u want you can read my very long post)..... I contacted trading standards regarding my problem...so perhaps if you havent done so already you may want to contact them, tell them the issue and see what they say. Im sure if there is no mention in the terms and conditions about the roof edge fold not being covered, they can't go making it up now. As a consumer with have rights!

Good luck.

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