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road rage


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Yesterday afternoon i was involved in my first and hopefully last incident of road rage. Near where i live there is a stretch of road that goes from 2 lanes of traffic down to one and then up to 3 lanes. In this stretch there are 4 sets of lights and it is hard to be in the wrong lane.

Anywho on this stretch yesterday i had a black isuzu let me in at the point it goes down to 1 lane. Further up we had to stop for the traffic lights. At this set its 3 lanes the left lane is straight on and left the middle is straight on and the right lane is right only. The isuzu pulled into the right hand lane as we pulled away but as we came up to the lights he dived in behind me again as i was in the middle lane. Still i did not think anything of this but just carried on up the hill to the last set of lights and had to stop. I just happened to glance in my mirror and saw this bloke getting out of his isuzu and start walking towards my drivers door. I quickly shut the window just in time as he arrived and called me a f***ing prick and punched my window cracking it but fortunatly not smashing it. He then left me in a state of total confusion got in his car and drove off at speed. unfortunatly i didnt get his number and noone else stopped to even ask if i was ok. So no wittnesses. Reported it to the cops.

Can anyone please tell me what i did as i dont understand. confused.gif

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Buy a 6 cell Magilite, always useful for those dark nights!

Problem with this sort of thing is it never happens after the wife has had a row and the dog has bitten you.

Always when your relaxed and then it's over before it starts.

He sounds like he wasn't that happy about you coming in on him. took the outside (maybe not knowing the road) and then expected you to let him in.

Silly bloke, if he'd broken my window he would have had a 6 cell torch placed where the sun don't shine!

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Buy a 6 cell Magilite, always useful for those dark nights!

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I can vouch for that! My dad has always carried one around (ex manchester bouncer) and has had a few run-ins so to speak! Police dont tend to like it if they pull you, but its a torch......

I used to go to a club called Broadwalk in Manc years ago and the bouncers there all looked like the Predator and all carried huge maglites! Yes, the lights in the club worked, but i think they had our interests at heart, just incase they went out...... grin.gif

Its shocking, but your best not getting involved - i've been involved in a few (both sides), but calmed down 500% now and just try and ignore it - you can replace a car / window etc. but not yourself / family...... 169144-ok.gif

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I've just read it again, rather the speed reading it. I've come across this a few times, some people seem to think that they can use the right only lane as a way of jumping the line of traffic at the lights that are going straight ahead, and then get annoyed when nobody will let them in front of them.

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I hope you're alright mate. I spend a lot of time on the road and although I've never had anything as much as someone getting out of their car on me, I've exchanged words and gestures several times.

You're not the prick, he is. And you did the right thing by not confronting him and taking it further. It's annoying about your window though, shame you didn't get time to get the guy's number.

Don't worry about it mate - even if you did misinterpret the guy letting you in and "cut him up" you didn't deserve that 169144-ok.gif

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Being a big ugly scouser has it's benefits, I have never had this sort of thing happen.

People have bounced out of thier cars looking to fight on a couple of occasions only to run back to their cars and speed off when I get out of the car.

I did laugh yelrotflmao.gif

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Sounds like a typical prick looking for trouble to me.

Unfortunately there are thousands of them out there and it sounds like you were just unlucky to meet one.

I've had numerous run ins and I get very wound up at the time but quickly forget them.

They're just not worth thinking about but you did right by reporting him to the police. As Shark said it's a damn shame you didn't get the number of the car because I'd have sued the b*stard for damaging my car thats for sure.

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I got "road raged" in the Golf a while bac and did the same - Locked the door and shut the window.

Was totally on a knife edge though and had he done the same I would have gone for him but he calmed down and sped off.

You're VERY vulnerable if you get out of your car with someone raging at you from outside - All sorts of opportunities for them to get you.

Best do what you did, take the reg plate and report it to the cops.

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There are too many people out there that seem to think they are untouchable and can go round doing what the hell they like to whom they like without consequence.

How does he know who you are? Or what your capable of?

Just go about your business and don't worry,you'll never see him again.

One day he'll try that stunt with the wrong person and maybe or maybe not live to regret it.

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So someone attacks you and you shine your maglite into theirs eyes to make them run away?


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May I suggest a trip to a hardware store that sells maglites. The 6 cell version is the really long one that looks like a cosh. Only it's 3 times heavier.

Now do you get the idea? smashfreakB.gif

I can't help thinking that such examples of road rage are much more a south east thing. Oop north in sunny Manchester I've never been involved in anything worse than flashing lights/blasting horns/one or two fingered salutes etc...

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I can't help thinking that such examples of road rage are much more a south east thing. Oop north in sunny Manchester I've never been involved in anything worse than flashing lights/blasting horns/one or two fingered salutes etc...

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hhhmmm - i have!! My mate even had 6 blokes attempt to get into his Evo 8 in central Manc - you cant blame the southern softies for everything..... althought we do try! wink.gif

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