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now im about To say something very PC but for a few months now ive seen the same couple (obviously of Pakistani origin as the woman is dressed in one of those robe dress type things in bright orange) walk past my work every day and go to the supermarket and walk back past with bags of shopping now that can only mean that they are illegal immigrants and made it to the island and are getting cash off the state or theyre just wealthy.

p1$$ses me off to think how many free loaders there are over here at times.

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Well the contributers to this post so far are, of course, entitled to their view because this is after all, a free country.

But am I alone here on TSN in thinking that this is offensive, biggoted, tiny-minded shite which has no place here....?

Want to live in a country where there is little or no support for people who, for whatever reason cannot support themselves ?

Be my guest and go to the US, China, Russia, Africa etc etc.... Then compare and contrast with the UK to see whether you would rather live there or here...

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BTW Mort, deal with it fella! 169144-ok.gif

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Mort has a point. But so does DaddyDub. As ever, the truth is somewhere in the middle.

Which is why satire is an appropriate route for pointing out the problem.

Anyway, back to work for me mad.gif

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Well what do you want us to do, start a march with banners and everything and stand at Picadilly Circus or outside number 10 to make ourselves heard on the whole immigration system.

or are you saying that we shouldnt find immigration to be a problem and that its fine for us to pay our taxes and go to work whilst some scrounging nobody does feck all with their life and does what they like all day.

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Well what do you want us to do, start a march with banners and everything and stand at Picadilly Circus or outside number 10 to make ourselves heard on the whole immigration system.

or are you saying that we shouldnt find immigration to be a problem and that its fine for us to pay our taxes and go to work whilst some scrounging nobody does feck all with their life and does what they like all day.

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blush.gif Sorry Dude but you read that all wrong. What I was saying was not that you annoy me by laughing, I was saying it annoys me (the situation of imagration that is) but all I can do as an indevidual is laugh at the situation.

Sorry if that sounded all wrong the first time, wasn't ment to sound like that. We cool or beefing? show me some love Bruv heart.gif

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or are you saying that we shouldnt find immigration to be a problem and that its fine for us to pay our taxes and go to work whilst some scrounging nobody does feck all with their life and does what they like all day.

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I'm an immigrant and I pay over £50K in taxes. And I came here to read some humour, like anyone else on TSN. How do you think your comments make me feel, hmm ? What happened to mutual courtesy and respect ?

Oh, and as for the earlier comment, my (immigrant) father's now retired after working his guts out for the NHS, paying his taxes, and bringing up 3 kids to British values - 2 of whom now also work for the NHS. He did so much for the community that they nominated him for the Queen's garden party and at least 3 of them (all local white Tories) nominated him for honours under the citizens' nomination scheme. Now, my mother wears a sari, and the two of them go shopping every day, maybe past the window of whoever was complaining about that. You have a problem with that ? He's paid his dues (and more than) to this country.

There was nothing wrong with the original joke, which was as much about English chavs as anything else. But once someone else starts to automatically use "immigrant" (or "foreign clothing") as a synonym for "scrounger", well, then you and I have an immediate problem, you get that ? Statistically, I bet I pay more taxes than you, and work more hours than you.

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