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Does your car make you happy?


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Just curious as to how people feel about this.

I'm not particularly materialistic, and in fact, of late, have simplified my life somewhat, selling lots of toys etc. But..

When I had the old Passat (a 1997), I was always worried when I went out that yet another thing was going to break on it, and practically every month another bill had to be paid for repairs. It was stressing me out. I was also regularly without a car, as the garages I took it to were small backstreet ones (good ones though.)

Put aside that I have just gotten engaged, which has made me the happiest I have ever been in my life, I've noticed that since getting the new Passat, and knowing that the amount i pay for it monthly is the most I am ever going to pay, I feel so much more content - feeling that I finally have a grip on my finances (selling the old Passat got rid of my credit card debts), and I absolutely love the new car - not being able to hold back the smiles every time I get in her. In a sense, it's made me a more laid back, happier person.

Am I weird?

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No not at all. It is a very nice feeling to have lots of things in life in control and I would assume you enjoy cars as thats probably why you are on TSN so having a good car is a nice feeling.

My car is great, love it and am tempted just to go for a drive this morning for no reason other than to have the roof down for the first time this year and smile smile.gif

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My car makes me very happy most of the time. Whenever I drive it I think it is perfect for me, it does everything the way I want it to. I know what to expect from it, and when it happens it gives me satisfaction. We have a very loving relationship, but I do like to wear out her very pretty shoes, which often she gets a little cranky about and engages her ESP.

But enjoying the car is not just about how it makes you feel when you drive it. Its about how the dealership looks after you when something does go wrong. In this respect, VW are awful, not matter what they bring out, i cant see me ever wanting to buy from them again. Luckily I have made friends with an Audi dealer called Harwoods near Gatwick, which seem very good. 169144-ok.gif

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i even have a small model of it on my desk to cheer me up 169144-ok.gif

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Must be a GTi thing as I too have a 43rd scale model of my GTi ( Red too ).

I absolutely smlove2.gif my car. Makes me smile every time I drive it and most importantly, I look back at it when I park which IMO is as good a sign as any that its a good un 169144-ok.gif

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In this respect, VW are awful, not matter what they bring out, i cant see me ever wanting to buy from them again. Luckily I have made friends with an Audi dealer called Harwoods near Gatwick, which seem very good. 169144-ok.gif

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May I just correct you on that point, that VW *dealers* you have dealt with have been awful. I've had nothing but pure joy from both VW dealers I've used over the last 5 years.

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My car makes me happy when I drive it on a lovely twisty road, with the top down and a hot day, and I am going somewhere nice, with someone I love.

It dosent make me happy in life though on its own. Friends, family, and the g/f do that. The car is like a nice meal or a good holiday its nice to share it with the people you love.

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In this respect, VW are awful, not matter what they bring out, i cant see me ever wanting to buy from them again. Luckily I have made friends with an Audi dealer called Harwoods near Gatwick, which seem very good. 169144-ok.gif

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May I just correct you on that point, that VW *dealers* you have dealt with have been awful. I've had nothing but pure joy from both VW dealers I've used over the last 5 years.

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Still the 2 I have used are enough to put me off for life. Then when you phone VW customer service to complain, nothing happens. Simply rubbish...

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Hi Guys 'n Gals,

My last two cars have and do make me happy. My previous was an '88 Ford Mustang LX with 5.0 HO, Eibach suspension, 5-speed, great performance and still gave me 25 mpg on freeway trips. I drove it from 41k to over 300k miles until I bought my current car at which time I gave the Mustang to my daughter who also is very happy with it!

My current car is a '89 Cadillac Sedan DeVille. I bought it with 74k for $1,900.00 US. It's been trouble free, smooth and comfortable driving ever since. I just tuned it two weeks ago and got 26 mpg on a business trip just after.

Both cars look good and run well. There is something very satisfying and nurturing about that especially when you do most of the service yourself.

I love my cars and they seem to love me!

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88 Ford Mustang LX with 5.0 HO. My current car is a '89 Cadillac Sedan DeVille

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Got any pics you can post? 169144-ok.gif

[/ QUOTE ]Yes, I have one of the Caddy but not the Mustang. Here's Chaniqua;


I'll have to get one of the Mustang. I don't have one on my laptop here but might have an older one on my server in my office. If I remember I'll take a look next time I'm in.

I'd snap a new one if my camera wasn't busted! mad.gif Which reminds me, if you guys get a chance to buy an Olympus C5050 be sure and pass it up! Mine lasted a couple of years but about 5 months back it went on the fritz. It's very blurry, won't focus and I found out that Olympus is the only folks who can work on them and they'll be happy to fix it for about $200 US. I'm not sure I want to put that much into repair or add a few more C-notes and just buy something else. I'm a cheap-scape and cash poor to boot so I've just been biding my time.

Whew! Sorry for the rant! Cadillac Owners

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One of the things I really love about the Caddy is the interior, mainly the upholstery. It's crushed velour. It's so much more comfortable than vinyl or leather. It's never too hot or too cold, very soft, great for long road trips. the only complaint I have with it is the static electricity that it creates. Every time I get out of the car and touch the chrome door lock switch I get zapped! confused.gif

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