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Boxster Tracker


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my advice - get a different insurere who doesn;t insist on one

eg Liverpool Victoria , elephant

would never fit a tracker personally I don't want the car back. Even if it wasn't trashed/thrashed it will eb a stolen recovery and instantly worth 30%-40% less than it was.

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I tried to get insurance for my Boxter. My old insurers wanted a tracker fitted before they would insure me. I wanted a 'Trackstar plus' but porsche only fitted Tracker at the time. This meant that my car wouldn't be insured for theft from the time of leaving the garage until I got the Trackstar fitted. They wouldn't even give me a days grace to get it done.

I changed to 'First Alternative'. They didn't care if it had a tracking device. (no reduction if you have one either). Only problem so far is that customer service is in India so you can't understand a word they say.

RAC Trackstar is good. A lifetime subscription was about the same as paying 3 seperate years. Great if you intend keeping the car for longer.

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I'll have a little look around and see if i can get a better quote. Problem is, me and missus quite young (27 and 25) and i've only been driving 4 years so insurance has been very high everywhere else (some places over £2K) but direct line have offered about £850 with protected no claims.

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