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Baby Care Help - No Poo for Nine Days!


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One midwife said it was normal but the ubermidwife is very concerned. Our new daughter is being breastfed - anyone care to comment?

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9 days???? Be concerned be very concerned if only for the smell when it eventually gives way!!!! I went 3 days without one recently and the neighbours thought the drains needed rodding!!! shocked.gifsmirk.gif169144-ok.gif



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We have a 5 month old baby girl and she had bowl trouble at first and she was on the baby milk,she wasnt going for 3 days and they said that wasnt normal,so we changed the milk and way hey what happens next shes dung.gif everyday day now thank god cos she was screaming with pain frown.gif.Id go the local baby hosp if it was me tbh,good luck. 169144-ok.gif

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This is Mrs Sponge here.

Its perfectly normal for breastfed babies not to poo for a few days. I am breastfeeding my 3 month old at the moment and when he was 2 weeks old, he didn't have a poo for about a week. There were skid type marks in his nappy but they had no "substance" to them, IYKWIM.

I would only worry if she was becoming bloated, or cries in pain alot of the time. Just make sure she is having wet nappies, thats most important.

Just have to comment on the other peoples posts...Don't give her brown sugar in water!! I've never heard such ill-informed advice towards a breastfed baby! She will get ALL her liquid requirements from the breastmilk. Don't give her boiled water at all, she doesnt need it.

And tell your wife to keep up with the breastfeeding! She doesnt need to try her with "ready made milk" at all. Breast milk is the best "ready made" you can get!

Here is a good article:

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"Some very healthy, happy breastfed babies who are growing and developing well have a huge bowel movement only every seven to ten days."

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My little 6 week old girl is being breastfed and she didn't do any poo for a few days at first, we were concerned but the midwife said it's normal. Once they start then they'll be regular. Just be patient and it'll happen. As for giving them anything else, don't, they get all they need from the breast milk. 169144-ok.gif

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Since she's breast feeding, get Mum to have a nice hot curry.

This will work it's way in to the Mum's system and when baby feeds it will work in to babys system.

Stand well back and wait for the explosive force!

Since the baby is very young, has she gone on from the black tar type first poo's? Providing the last time baby did number 2's it was mustard in colour (think MrMe's old M3 colour grin.gif) and texture then at least you know that every thing is okay

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Dear all,

Thanks for the tips! Especially Mrs Sponge!

The midwife came back today and "the drains have been unblocked" jump.gif

It involved minor surgery with a cotton wool bud, a babys bum and two pretty full nappies.

Looked like tooth jump.gifaste coming out!


Babys stomach now much less distended!

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BTW - Mrs UBM abd I were very concerned last night. We were about 1 hour away from an overnight stay in hospital with junior.

We now need to practice the cotton wool bud treatment again if she does not pass poo!

We had seven meconium nappies in hospital, then nothing for nine days, until now!

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Good news indeed Mr Paul and Mrs Paul, let the voluminous Eartha Kitts commence!!! Pooooooooooooooooooo!!! 169144-ok.gif For future reference a hearty bowl of boiled carlins are nearly as good as draught Bass to get the blockages moving... smirk.gif169144-ok.gif

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David its Dr UBM and Dr UBM!

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Good news indeed Mr Paul and Mrs Paul, let the voluminous Eartha Kitts commence!!! Pooooooooooooooooooo!!! 169144-ok.gif For future reference a hearty bowl of boiled carlins are nearly as good as draught Bass to get the blockages moving... smirk.gif169144-ok.gif

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David its Dr UBM and Dr UBM!

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Oooops....A brace of you and still you both couldn't work it out!! cool.gif169144-ok.gif

I wanted to be a doctor, but I had not patients!!! beerchug.gif

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Good news indeed Mr Paul and Mrs Paul, let the voluminous Eartha Kitts commence!!! Pooooooooooooooooooo!!! 169144-ok.gif For future reference a hearty bowl of boiled carlins are nearly as good as draught Bass to get the blockages moving... smirk.gif169144-ok.gif

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David its Dr UBM and Dr UBM!

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Oooops....A brace of you and still you both still couldn't work it out!! cool.gif169144-ok.gif

I wanted to be a doctor, but I had not patients!!! beerchug.gif

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I just hope they keep coming now - or we are deffo back to the hospital.... frown.gif

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Don't worry too much, UBM. It is very rare for a breastfed baby to run into any problems due to constipation. Some breastfed babies go frequently, some don't. We have a friend whose little girl only ever used to go once every nine or ten days and she was just fine. If your baby isn't distressed and is growing OK, then the chances are there is nothing to worry about.

But of course see the midwife or the quack if you are concerned. The internet is full of advice but noone at the end of a PC terminal can see your baby. 169144-ok.gif

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