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speeding ticket


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Got caught on the motorway yesterday by some ever so friendly cops, doing 91 mph. Does any one know a way of avoiding points on my licence ? ie appealing to the district superintendant etc.

Or how about not signing the fixed penalty notice ?


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There are two main things that have to be proved in an offence like this:

1) You were the person driving the car

2) That you were exceeding the speed limit.

If you were stopped by the police and provided your name, you have admitted to number 1 and there is no way out of this. You will probably have been asked to get out of the car and, as the police car probably still had its video running, they can use this as evidence to show it was you (unless you were wearing shades and a fake beard...)

The prosecution don't technically have to prove that you were doing 91 mph, they only have to prove that you were exceeding the speed limit. If it was a jam sandwich, probably with a video camera, it will have been calibrated and they will have logs for this.

You will more than likely have to take the 3 points and £60 on the chin. Or spend anything upwards of £500 with a lwayer to argue the case in court. If you plead not guilty and subsequently lose the case, you will also be liable to prosecution costs of around £300-£400.

If you were posed the classic (how to trick a driver into admitting guilt without realising it) question of "Do you know what speed you were travelling at, sir?" and answered along the lines of "too fast" or "over 70 mph", you have well and truly nailed your coffin shut on it, as you have effectively admitted to the offence...

Best of luck when you get the letter...

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Totally agree with what mook says, but if you didnt say anything along those lines then i would write a letter to the police asking for documentation of the calibration of spped device/s used to record your speed, as this should all be recoded and if not then it can easily be contested.



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Especially under the new freedom of information act whereby you are entitled to view this info, especially if preparing a defence case. Problem is, the police are not very quick at responding to this request and you may end up in court just to get the info. Probably best to take the 3 points and the fine as the Police don't take kindly to people attempting to get out of speeding fines.

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Indie mate without sounding a defeatist,(cant spell)face it you got caught.http://www.tyresmoke.net/ubbthreads/showflat.php?Cat=1,2,12,15,22,25,26,27,8&Board=VWR&Number=627499&fpart=&PHPSESSID=c6bfe72a1d119e62e438d70907c2a067 .If you read my link you will see that I sufferd a similar thing. It took 5 months to go to court and I recieved a 50 day ban with a £555 fine. That said I was doing 114mph.

Hope it all works out for you 169144-ok.gif but dont hold your breath.


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Dai, i have a feeling he will probably be going to court anyway as it was over 90mph. I imagine he was already handed the nip saying they intend to proescute, and you will have to wait to see if they give you the 3/6 points or go to court. But if you hear in the next 14 days then it will be the points but after that then its likely to be court.

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It won't go to court unless Indy wants to - if you're up to 30 mph over the speed limit on a motorway (i.e. up to 100 mph) you can settle it with admitting your guilt by filling in the form, paying your money and getting your points.

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Your quite right!!!I had a green form with 3 options 1.Attend Court 2. Plead guilty by letter 3.Attend Court with a solicitor present. I attended and represented myself as I was guilty as sin, in hindsight I should have taken a solicitor as the guys before me had solicitors. They all had 6 points with higher fines. Mind you that said!!!I now have a clean licence but will suffer the ban code and higher insurance costs for about another 3-5 yrs or so Im told. frown.gif


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Your quite right!!!I had a green form with 3 options 1.Attend Court 2. Plead guilty by letter 3.Attend Court with a solicitor present. I attended and represented myself as I was guilty as sin, in hindsight I should have taken a solicitor as the guys before me had solicitors. They all had 6 points with higher fines. Mind you that said!!!I now have a clean licence but will suffer the ban code and higher insurance costs for about another 3-5 yrs or so Im told. frown.gif


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From what ive been told by insurance companies, they take anything under a 30 day ban to be equivalent as having 6 points.

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Mind you that said!!!I now have a clean licence but will suffer the ban code and higher insurance costs for about another 3-5 yrs or so Im told. frown.gif


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Thats the bugger, not the fact you got caught and not the day in court. Its the insurance affect that really bites over the years to come. To all that havent invested in a speed detector device, do so soon. Then keep your eye out for those vans, Oh and if they are not in your area yet then look out for the yellow boxes that are now appearing on our roads. They are run by the same vans you used to have a chance of seeing but now the van is out of site and by the time you see the yellow box you will be nicked fekr.gif

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