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BMW 335Ci Coupe - new pictures


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The semi side profile view.

Very 6 Coupe, apart from the bootlid.

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There's a small piece by the front wheel arch/headlight assembly that looks a bit like a '6'. Not much, but I do know what he's saying.

That actually looks quite good. There's something not quite... "right" about it but I'm not sure what it is.

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Don't like the back of it. Looks to Korean, as already mentioned.

The front looks OK, you KNOW the engine will be good!

The back reminds me of the old Escorts, (H/J reg), where they had to rework the back and put some extra roundy lights on the actual tailgate - as it was a mess.

However, JMHO.........

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If you took the grill and badges off that, and showed it to the average punter, they'd think it was dung.gif

Opposite of the Octavia, without badges people like it, put the skoda badges on, people hate it.

I like BMWs, id like a 3 series as my next car, but theres no way id buy that ugly thing!

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