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Registration on retention


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I have a personal registration that has not been on a vehicle for about six months.. the garage has warned me that if i don't use it within a year , then i will lose it?

Is that right, and is there anything i can do about it?

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Yup, I'm in exactly the same boat.

I have one on retention that I had on my last M3 and never transferred it to the 6 because of various reasons including the DVLA being as fecking useless as ever.

I have to transfer it before August (onto the car) or pay the retainer. I've had it a good few years now and I'll probably put it on the 6 rather than part with the money again.

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As other posters have said, that number is yours for as long as you keep paying the £25 annual renewal fee. beerchug.gif <font color="blue"> </font>

If you do not renew it each year, you will lose the number.

We have some numbers in stock, that we have had on certificates since 1992. We just renew them each year at £25 a shot. It saves having to buy unwanted vehicles to store them on.

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