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The May Sniff Petrol is online now

Sniff Petrol

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You were obviously a builder in a previous life, Sniff ... you said it would arrive on Friday, you just didn't say which Friday...

"World's biggest letter opener" ... love it! yelrotflmao.gif

Thanks ... looking forward to June the 16th already wink.gif

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Am I alone in thinking that Sniff needs a holiday? The gems are still coming up, but a sense of old rope has crept in. The "Stop the Cock" campaign was funny when it started but no joke improves with repetition and it is hardly going to have the desired effect anyway. And as for the pointless crashes on 5th Gear - surely that would be Top Gear? At least 5th Gear is more than just a programme about three blokes in a pub bragging about the size of their engines.

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Yep, you're pretty much alone on that, Shoeless. Maxi ad genius, in particular, capturing perfectly the spirit of slightly seedy desperation present in so much of BL's 70s advertising.

I have to disagree with your assessment of 5th Gear vs Top Gear too. Clarkson's a tw*t but at least he's entertaining with it, unlike the moderately-talented bunch of wannabes on C5, particularly that nasal "I used to be a racing driver once and still am sometimes, g'wan gimme a drive, you know you want to, pleeeeaaaaase..." Needless person. Now that many cars have six-speed 'boxes fitted as standard, I'd say that the programme titles are appropriately reflective of their standing.

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