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Welcome back SPLiiX!


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Hey, Shucks, Thanks for that!

The Avant is Ace. Apart from the miles..... blush.gif

32,300miles, and the car will not be 2 years old until July. SAUER0421.GIF

Last year we went to the south of France (Cannes) and then 3 weeks later drove to south of Spain (Marbella) and that was all about 4,500miles in a month. Apart form that it is looking the part still. In Spain, people would look at it like it had six wheels or something. Rather scary actually as they did not look the type of people that were just looking to admire it, more like they wanted the keys.

I was stopped by the Spanish "Police". Police my Ar*e i'll tell ya! A BMW 5 series gold in colour and about a P reg if it was in this country stopped me in broad daylight and said it was routine. There were three guys in the car and looked more like the Mafia than Police. One showed me his badge at the traffic lights and instructed me to pull over. I think I was just lucky that the wife was in the passenger seat and my 2 year old son was in the back otherwise things could have been worse......

So back to the UK. And drivers who have no lane dicapline smashfreakB.gif

I was never really on TSN as I was in an Internet cafe all the time and had to do business rather than fun things on the net. Glad to be back on here!

UBM I like the New Avant!! Black with the chrome mirrors is spot on!! Are they the same mirrors from day 1, or did you buy new ones?? My ones are lasting great!

Not doing anything else to my car apart from cleaning it now. In saying that I do fancy the S4 grill etc. grin.gif

Good to here from you guys!

I'm off to bed, I need my Beuty Sleep! 169144-ok.gifSLEEP5.GIF

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SPLiiX, Good to see you'v been enjoying the car. After all thats what they are for. I'm sure i remember reading one of your posts about a run around Scotland once that included a couple of #cough# jumps, with the missus sitting next to you blush.gif. Was that you ?

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