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Blings & Dings


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Well the journey as an apprentice of the Guild has commenced!

The S-Line steering wheel and gear knob went in last week, and the RS4 ARB and Philips front lights upgrade scheduled for Monday..

On the downside, someone put a rather tasty dent in the rear passenger door. Another little job to be sorted on Monday.

Alas, a poor granny who had the misfortune to park next to me, incurred my initial wrath until I found out there were no rear passengers.

Door Denters - B*st*rds the Lot! openfire.gif

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I would buy some magnetic door protectors if i thought somebody made them. My mate has a taxi and has magnetic taxi signs that he puts on his front doors when cabbing. About 2 foot by 1 foot in size. Ideal for supermarket carparks and quick to fit and take off and shuv in the boot. Would be discreet if in same colour as car.

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Welcome to Blingdom! beerchug.gif

Don't you just hate anyone parking within 20 feet of you??? crazy.gif I'm the one parked on her own, miles from civilisation. grin.gif

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I went to the local retail park on Saturday afternoon, it was fantastically quiet - I wonder why? ROLLEY~14.GIFwink.gif

I digress. I parked with spaces all around me, dispite it meaning we had to walk further. I came back 10 minutes later and some pillock had parked next to me? WHY? WHY? WHY? SAUER0421.GIF I'm thinking of making a sign for my windscreen - something like DON'T PARK NEXT TO ME YOU TWAT! grin.gif

Oh and welcome to the club. 169144-ok.gif

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I didn't see the force field on the options list. Can they be retro-fitted? Anyone got a part number?

[/ QUOTE ]

Part Number FOX99906/TT

Adjust last letters according to car model. Call dealer for ordering, retro fitting available through Bling Associates. 169144-ok.gif

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Well, I had thought about the going DTM style and having the mirrors sprayed Phantom Black. Something a tad different from the Shiny S4 look.

I saw one a nice silver B7 DTM at Audi Derby the other day and was inspired.

So what would the Guild make of such a thing? Would it transpose to a B6 Saloon with GmbH body kit?

Oh, and it's Brian by the way - the Venomous thing is just something that hangs round from my shooting related hobby (just use the same forum name).


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Brian, I have phantom black mirrors on the TT with the phantom black roof - I know its not the same as the A4 but I love the look of them against the Avus silver body. I guess its hard to know whether they will work on your car, but they certainly look a bit stealthlike and polish up a treat!! 169144-ok.gif

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OK let's say the front grill surrounds were dechromed - Vag Parts do a black surraound front / bumper grill set that would do this.

The only shiny bits from the front view would be the Audi logo.

Something akin to the Caractere look (but with black mirrors)...

Does it work?


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