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Am I correct in thinking that approved dealerships are franchises? If this is the case, what is the situation regarding used car stock between different dealerships? More specifically, if I saw a used car I was interested in on the website of a particular manufacturer but it was at a dealers in York (for example) and I didn't want to travel up there as there is a dealer in Reading, would my local dealer be able to get hold of the car from the other dealer?

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Yes, they are franchises.

There is nothing to stop them calling the other dealer and arranging to buy the car in order to sell it on to you, though - especially if the car is not shifting.

You might get a better deal if you go direct, but you'd have to travel. Up to you.

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Ha, when I was looking at MR2s, I called in at my local Toyota dealer. They offered to get me a car, which I'm sure was one I'd already seen on the toyota.co.uk used cars. Thing is, the local dealer quoted a price about £1.5k higher than the price on the website! blush.gif

For a £1.5k saving, I would happily have driven from Reading to Milton Keynes. Unfortunately, when I called MK I was told that the car was sold (I wonder whether it was held on a reservation by the Reading dealer???).

In the end, I bought a car, in person, from the Bournemouth dealer.

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Thanks for the info. I guess the problem for me is that I don't really have time to be travelling (even relatively short distances) to look at cars. What I'd like to be able to do is go to a dealer, test drive a particular model, then buy the one with the right spec at the right price, even if it's part of another dealer's stock.

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Same here. I enquired about an Audi from a main dealer down south. My local delaer didn't have a problem in getting the car for me, but the price went up by £1k.

Thing is I had to agree to buy the car, without physically seeing it, and they had stuck £1k on top for essentially doing nowt. Granted £200 odd was for transportation but still, thats a lot of ££3s for not really doing anything other than a quick call and getting the car sent up.

Needless to say I declined and they lost a sale. I'd have thought for the sake for a wee bit profit they'd have opted for my custom, as I'd have paid the transportaion costs.


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Most dealers may be prepared to trade the car to your local dealer! We buy cars regulary from other dealers when local customers see the cars on the net etc!!

All depends on how helpful your dealer is and the dealer that has the car if they will trade it.

We will deliver cars anywaher in the uk!

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As a dealer it is very hard to buy stock from another dealer, even if its owned by the same group.

The problem is, the dealer with the car wants to sell it and make profit, so why should it give it away to another dealership?

So the first garage won't let the car go unless its for almost retail price, and then the dealer you buy it from ALSO has to put some profit across it. Effectively you're lining the pocket of two dealers, and perhaps buying a car thats over priced, but you can't blame them!

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I to am a dealer, most dealers will trade stick, but they wont leave u thousands in the deal! But as long as I can at least make a small profit we will do the deal as we dont want to lose the deal!

Plus We will only sell the car for what it is advertised for on the net etc!

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