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Supermarket parking (forwards or reverse ?)


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The job i do means i call at lots of supermarkets and retail outlets. Today when i came back to the van, out of a row of about 20 cars i was the only one that had reversed into my space. I have never noticed this before and realised that i allways reverse into a standard car parking space. I suppose it means that it's easier to drive away once i'm back at the van instead of reversing into traffic flow etc.

Have you ever noticed how you park at the supermarket ?

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It is without doubt easier to reverse into a "side by side" space as you can swing the rear wheels in and then adjust the front at will as they steer the car.

If you drive in forwards the back wheels just follow (trying to cut the corner) and you've no adjustability over them.

However the advantage of driving in forwards in a supermarket carpark is that it makes it much easier to reach the boot to load in your shopping.

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How many people don't load their boots at the supermarket, though?

I'll reverse in if it's a multi-storey and I'm not shopping but I just can't see the point of faffing around with trying to load shopping in through the doors.

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I always reverse in, go do the shopping, come back with the bags, and curse and swear that I've blocked off the boot, why do I never remember to go in forwards at the supermarket, oh FFS, it's not that difficult, now I've got to slide in between the two cars and not scratch mine, hold the bags right up over the roof, oh lord everyone's chuckling at the smug git in the BMW who was showing off by reverse parking but forgot he was at the supermarket, oh no the trolley is rolling away please don't hit mine do I drop the bags or take them with me oh that's alright it only hit the Volvo next to me quick get everything in so I can put it away before they come back....

All things considered, best leave the shopping to Mrs P. coffee.gif

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With 2 small nippers I park in the 'no door dent from other shoppers Mum & Bin Lid spaces' forwards. With pushchair and a pram it's no good going in backwards. Which reminds me...are there really 15 disabled people to 1 child in a pram in the world? - that seems to be what our town multistory suggests. As important as disabled spaces are, many car parks must be expecting an influx of disabled folks. When all normal spaces are taken and 25+ disabled places are standing empty, you have to question who does the maths! grin.gifROLLEY~14.GIF

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are there really 15 disabled people to 1 child in a pram in the world?

[/ QUOTE ]


Made me laugh when I saw a DIY store with 8 disabled spaces and 3 parent spaces. A DIY store.

OK, being disabled doesn't mean that DIY is/should be impossible, but is it really that likely? That much more likely?

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