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Bikes to be fitted with number plates?


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As an ex racing cyclist whose bikes didn't even have space for lights (and were never ridden at night) this number plate news crap seriously annoys me even though I have hung up my wheels permanently.

Fitting a plate goes against all the aerodynamic advantages which a competition bike strives to achieve. Plus I personally have a big hang-up about being registered as gobblygook by any authority. I don't even like car number plates. openfire.gif

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I don't really get this idea. If I took the plates off my bike and cycled down an alley way or got off the bike when I saw plod, what would they do??

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I suppose it would be pretty much the same as if you did that with a motorbike?

Admittedly they couldn't give you points on your licence (unless they start endorsing 'cycling proficiency' certificates grin.gif). But they could fine you I'd imagine.

Crazy idea still, of course. Although, think of the extra income through the fines... FIREdevil.gif

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I don't think it's crazy. Some cyclists are menaces in London and deserve a slap. So many jump lights, hit pedestrains and abuse drivers everday. I bet if one knocked off your wing mirror or scratched your car whilst squeezing through a jam - you'd want to know who he/she was.

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I got stopped and warned once by a 'Jam Sandwich' (in those days) for speeding on my bike in a 30 zone!

Another time I got laser gunned going fast down hill. It was before I knew what they were and I honestly thought I was about to take a hit from a police marksman!! Not at all funny at the time.

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Reflecting the interest in cycling, London will be hosting the start of the Tour de France next year, with an opening ceremony in Trafalgar Square.

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How does that work then? Do they cycle off to France and then start the Tour, does the Tour actually begin in Trafalgar Square, or does the Tour just continue as it always has done (round France) without visiting London and we have a party? crazy.gif

If cycling on the road is too dangerous for the cyclists and they decide to break the law and cycle on the pavement then they should be stopped / fined / removed or whatever. But why not have cycle lanes and enforce them, wouldn't that be better than forcing cyclists back into the road?

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FuntimeF > Certainly regards no lights after dark. It's a good example of how ridiculous the law would be if they made having lights legal 24/7.

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No, just during the dark hours. I have twice almost taken out prats with no lights and no relective gear! If they can afford the bike, they can afford £20 for a decent set of lights, daft feckers!

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About fooking time as well, plus they should be made to sit a road test, so they know what to do, where to go and how to behave on the road.

Afterall, they are a vehicle like anyone else.

Too many a time I've seen cyclists go thru reds on skip onto the path in Edinburgh, they bump into stationary cars, cut corners and when tooted at for their stupidity they throw the fingers and carry on.

Personally, I think you're mad to ride a bike in todays city centre's, its life threatening at the least!!


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This has absolutely nothing to do with safety and everything to do with £££.

People are being encouraged to drop their cars and use bikes. So when it actually happens the powers that be realise their losing all the £££ that cars generate for them (taxation, fines, fuel, etc); so they come up with this hair-brained idea. Nobs.

People need to be encouraged to ride bikes, not put off.

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Not just the money but control. These people's sole purpose is life is to control more of your life and leave less up to personal decision.

Reading the rest of the article it goes on about making 'jaywalking' illegal. So now you can;t use your brain to decide when and where to cross the road - you need to find the place the soemone else has decided for you...........even if the road is empty!

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....Exactly! It's control which gets to me. To apply controls as far as something like jaywalking is an insult to one's intelligence. In fact, it will fast-track to being brain-dead! I value my rebellious, selfish, perverted, fun-loving brain far too much, as does everything else here value theirs, methinks.

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Reading the rest of the article it goes on about making 'jaywalking' illegal. So now you can;t use your brain to decide when and where to cross the road - you need to find the place the soemone else has decided for you...........even if the road is empty!

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crazy.gif its just prepping the way to introduce us as the 51st State of America Flush.gif

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