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Great number plate!!


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Is this appropriate humour? coffee.gif

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No, I don't think it is. This thread has degraded from a pic of a muppet's car with a daft number plate into a p*ss taking post war about being gay, Tourette's, Big Brother etc.

My kids read this forum FFS - if I wanted to read about this kind of thing, I would probably find another forum. TsN is about cars'n'stuff.

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Not a "post war" but merely a friendly banter. Neither are any of my comments gay-bashing or disrespectful to those with Tourettes.

A touch sensitive this morning? Insecurity?

Mook, if your kids read TSN there's loads and loads of other posts on TSN they may also find offensive. My 15yo daughter occasionally reads TSN too but perhaps I'm more liberal.

Thanks for answering the question, Mook, about Tourettes involuntary use of words - I genuinely wanted to learn. 169144-ok.gif

Go ahead, Mollox - Lock this thread if you really think it's inappropriate.


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Ugh. Its getting really boring having to justify everything.


#1 People use this site at work and some work for large corporations where word filters might be used. By exercising one's 'freedom of speech' you might inadvertantly be getting a fellow TSNer into some serious bother.

#2 I don't think any user has the right to make this forum any less appealing to members or guests who might not have the same sexual preferences as them. As moderators we have to take a responsible approach to what's published here and I don't see how silly 'gay jokes' contribute anything to the community. In fact if I were gay and reading this site I don't think I'd want to actively contribute as, at times, some of the content here is inappropriate, bigoted and far from welcoming.

If the moderators of this site choose to point this out, and I don't think there can be many objections in this case, then its just a waste of our time having to state the bloody obvious in justifying ourselves.


A touch sensitive this morning? Insecurity?

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Sorry, that strikes me as a stupid and somewhat childish thing to say.

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Of course you can, Mollox - I wouldn't expect anything else.

In the context of the whole TSN site the language contained in this thread is mild when compared with some of the others (particularly in the LoJ) and so I would respectfully ask the Moderators to take that into consideration. For example, it could be argued that much TSN banter degrades women, so why is it alright to banter about women but not dare mention the word "gay"?

I still fail to see how this thread has in any way been anti-gay but, like you, I think it's a waste of time posting further justifications.


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A touch sensitive this morning? Insecurity?

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Sorry, that strikes me as a stupid and somewhat childish thing to say.

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....Unfortunately, yet again, I have difficulty understanding you. Stupid people don't usually have much sensitivity and children don't usually grasp the meaning of insecurity until they are grown up.

But, no matter coffee.gif. No hard feelings at my end 169144-ok.gif.

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I am 169144-ok.gif. And I expect that Mollox is - He'll have experienced it all many times before in TSN's history, and much worse, and will doubtless do so again.

I hope Mook is okay and not harbouring any ill will cos none was intended.

I'm not sure about a group hug though - It might be misinterpreted grin.gif

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I don't harbour ill will Robin. If I've got a problem with a particular person's comments or views, I will let them know directly. While your views may differ to those of other TsN members, I would have thought that you could see that some people might find some of the comments in this thread offensive.

Like I said earlier, this is a car forum. I ask my kids to stay out of the LoJ, because if there has to be inappropriate use of language or the expression of individual's specific views about stuff other than cars (the main purpose of TsN), then I think that's where it should be posted.

Despite Mollox's comments above, you've still managed to post another childish comment about a group hug.

Move on Robin. Move on.

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....I'm left wondering at exactly what point banter does or doesn't become childish.

I don't think anyone can say that I don't also post car topics and post helpful information about car related subjects as well as whatever other stuff some may or may not like. You can't please everybody.

Like you, I too express myself directly and honestly (hence my apparently offensive words) but I respect your different point of view, Mook.

Agreed....Time to move on.

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