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Where are all the police cars?


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crazy.gif Over the last week or two I've put a few miles on the Boxster - wedding down near Plymouth and a stag weekend in Wales - and I've not seen a single Police car out on the motorways!

I remember reading somewhere that the police had cut the number of motorway patrol cars and I think it must be true - unless they are all unmarked these days?

A few years back I was constantly looking in my rear view mirror for a 'jam sandwich' - now I'm more worried about the occasional speed camera rather than a patrol pulling me over?

grin.gif I'm not complaining, I just wondered if anyone knew what was going on?

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If its anything like my area, there are still the same amount of patrols, but they are now being utilised in other ares, targeting more crime!

This is indeed down to the Highways agency introducing these motorway patrol officers to deal with the minor road responsibilities 169144-ok.gif

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I'd rather see more police cars, think I got caught by a camera van in a 60 doing about 75mph in the middle of nowhere on Thursday frown.gif

Very annoying as on the same journey I had people almost run into the back of me as they didn't think anyone would possibly be doing 30 in a 30 zone, saw a few VERY dodgy overtakes (round the outside of blind corners anyone?) and the usual crap that'll go unpunished, but heaven forbid anyone do 75mph on a deserted 3 lane stretch of road SAUER0421.GIF

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I've been thinking this for a couple of years tbh. Not a good thing to be thinking I know.

I've also noticed the lack of suburban radar traps in London too. I'm touching wood as I type this...

Does anyone know what jurisdiction these Highways Agency chaps have? Short of blasting past one I'm not sure how to find out...

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I've been thinking this for a couple of years tbh. Not a good thing to be thinking I know.

I've also noticed the lack of suburban radar traps in London too. I'm touching wood as I type this...

Does anyone know what jurisdiction these Highways Agency chaps have? Short of blasting past one I'm not sure how to find out...

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Blast away mate, they can't pull you 169144-ok.gif

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I've been thinking this for a couple of years tbh. Not a good thing to be thinking I know.

I've also noticed the lack of suburban radar traps in London too. I'm touching wood as I type this...

Does anyone know what jurisdiction these Highways Agency chaps have? Short of blasting past one I'm not sure how to find out...

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They cant stop you for speeding! but they can call up a traffic car, and have their control room track you on camera until the traffic car catches up blush.gif

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I still see a few Volvo patrol cars on the A1 North of Morpeth. Then a few 4x4's in laybys on the A1 approach to Edinburgh.

I've seen lots of Focus's on the local roads lately too.

The Volvo's hide in some really sneaky places on the A1 too, including behind a hedge at the end of a very long stretch with no cameras on it (Southbound, about 3 miles South of Berwick).

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They cant stop you for speeding! but they can call up a traffic car, and have their control room track you on camera until the traffic car catches up blush.gif

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....Hopefully they would have the intelligence not to call up a traffic car for just doing 75 in a 60 when it's a clear day without traffic etc etc. (as Thorburn's post).

My guess is that it's only a matter of time before these Highways Agency/VOSA vehicles are equipped with speed guns etc.

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I still see a few Volvo patrol cars on the A1 North of Morpeth. Then a few 4x4's in laybys on the A1 approach to Edinburgh.

I've seen lots of Focus's on the local roads lately too.

The Volvo's hide in some really sneaky places on the A1 too, including behind a hedge at the end of a very long stretch with no cameras on it (Southbound, about 3 miles South of Berwick).

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I've been using the A1 regularly for years, and I can count on the fingers of one hand the number of marked cars I've seen.

Mind you, that doesn't include the Revenue Van south of Berwick that got me recently, or the unmarked ('Driver Training Vehicle') that flashed me in the outside lane bursting to get past, on Wednesday afternoon.

Most of the Revenue Vans seem to be on the Borders routes south, where it's easier to hide.

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That's true ... I suppose I meant generally rather than here.

I think the Highways Agency vehicles are a fantastic idea. I always thought it was a bit of a waste that highly trained (and reasonably paid) police traffic officers seemed to spend half their time putting cones out and brushing debris off the road after an accident.

It would be nice to have more patrol cars on the roads to deal with driving offences other than speeding, though. I'm sure it's happening now, but there was a time when it was rumoured a patrol car would be decommissioned for each new speed camera installed.

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