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Pipex - regraded to 8meg


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So I've been paying £34 a month (well, my work has been paying £34 a month...) for a 2meg unlimited broadband for some time now. At the time it was worth the novelty, but recently as you'd imagine, that's just a ripoff.

Was on the phone to Pipex today and mentioned what I thought of the price and asked if there wasn't an alternative service. Well yes there was. Pipex MAX - 8meg unlimited for £24 a month. Apparently its exactly the same service, the only difference is that it puts me onto a new 12 month contract.

Those of you still with Pipex probably did this ages ago but thought I'd share just in case wink.gif

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the 8 Meg service will have a monthly cap and may be packet shaped more heavily then the 2meg service. ie P2P downloads may be effected.

I have heard of a alot of people who changed to the max service and found it worse than the old one.

For those reasons I have stayed on the 2meg (although it is a rip off) If I did change it would be to Zen as at least they dont packet shape

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Heheh you can get the Tiscali 2mb service for around £15 a month. I'm on 1mb with them, have been for a couple of years.

Never had a problem no matter how much I download and how many hours I play online. Never had a slow or dropped connection that wasn't a fault at my end either.

So if nothing else you can save yourself a few quid. Reading on their forums though I would never make the switch to Tiscali Max (8mb) - so many problems and so many people wanting to switch back.

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Dogbucketis spot on.

The older services were not capped or traffic shaped, and also were not rate adaptive, so you may well find you'll get more consistent service if you stay put (depending on where you are relative to the exchange, and what the broadband usage levels are like in your area).

If I were you I'd knowledge yerself up a bit before making the move, this stuff's not that complicated and at least you'll be making an informed decision.

Here are some linkydoos...


(enter your phone number here, and it'll tell you which BT exchange you're connected to. The length of the cable run between you and the exchange and how congested the exchange is are the 2 biggest limiting factors in how an 'up to 8 meg' broadband service will actually perform).


(connection speed testers... indicative only, but will give you an idea of how well you're doing against your nominal 2 meg limit. If you're consistently hitting it, then you'll probably benefit from a regrade. My guess is you won't be, in which case it's not such a straightforward choice).

(Again, only an estimate, but this checker makes a stab at predicting the maximum actual download speed your line is capable of. You'll need some stats off your current connection to use this one which you may or may not know how to get. There's a link on the page to a site which explains the numbers you need). I'm on a borderline case for a regrade myself, and found these predictions to be pretty accurate. I actually achieve just barely less than this site predicted I'd achieve after I regraded.

Good luck with it!

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Just my 2c worth

I have always been with Zen - upgraded to thier capped (50gig) 8 meg service from 2 meg uncapped - and I am impressed.

The service is good and the download speeds are fine.

Currently averaging 40-45 gig per month.

what I like with Zen is it just works...like my Imac( well mostly!)

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