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Hungary GP Banter


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So who is going to do it this week then ?

Mclaren have hit out at the Ferrari tactics and rightly so IMO. They are hardly the ones to complain considering the preferential treatment they have received in recent years.

I personally hope that it continues to be close, its shaping up to be a great season. Maybe BMW will have a few surprises in this weekends race.

Dont forget to put your predictions in if your in the TSN Fantasy F1 League. 169144-ok.gif

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Preferential treatment? yelrotflmao.gif

It strikes me Ron Dennis's "open letter" has put the cat amongst the pigeons a little here. Especially seeing as Stepney has now denied he was the "whistleblower" (at least he's consistent... Deny everything Baldrick! suicide.gif ).

As for the race, a fight between Kimi and Alonso I think. Depends which car is better in race trim.

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Yeah I know what you mean. Good to see a bit of rivalry, the guilty but no punishment verdict was strange I have to say. But it could have been left and then get back to the racing... things are dragging on some what but they are certainly getting the column inches out of it at the moment. grin.gif

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If Ferrari had been quicker it could have been very stupid indeed as it is at least they are both on the front row. Alonso has lost a huge amount of respect IMO for what he did today, the team waved him on and he just sat there for what 10 seconds. Hamilton was only 4 seconds too late so how Alonso can blame the team I don't know.

As Damon said you should find out who the fastest driver is on the track not be having a nap in the pit lane. Its a shame he has to do these cheating tactics IMO.

Should be an interesting race tomorrow thats for sure.

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IMO it's all far too polite at the moment. Hamilton should have displayed his displeasure with Alonso's actions by punching his lights out. Or at least saying something about in the press conference, anyway. grin.gif

If Hamilton doesn't quickly inflict some sort of retaliatory damage on Alonso - whether it's some similarly unsporting tactics, or a particularly 'harsh' maneuver - then he'll just be proving he's not enough of a fighter to do what it takes when things get nasty. And that will only lead to people taking advantage.

I really didn't like Schumacher in F1 due to his tactics, but there's one thing for sure, he didn't get to win all the titles he did without being more than willing to scrap for every inch of track. Can you imagine a team mate of Schumacher's playing dirty like Alonso is with Hamilton? znaika.gif

As has been said above, Prost and Senna would sort out their differences at the first corner tomorrow. SMOKE6.GIF

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I'm sure that Hamilton will extract the necessary revenge tomorrow, where it matters. ECLIPSe.gif

If I were Lewis, I would be feeling super confident (as well as rich, younger, skinnier etc grin.gif) that Alonso may be showing how worried he really is and it would just spur me on even more - unless RD lays down the law as to what does & doesn't happen tomorrow ROLLEY~14.GIF

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You wish... he has the BMW to cope with first. How did Massa do today then. coffee.gif Wasn't he fighting the Super Aguri's today ?

I think the stewards should swap the positions. Alonso could have moved forward a bit to let Hamilton get his tyres changed and still not left the pit lane. Its unsporting conduct and thats against the rules.

I will laugh my socks off if he does get punished. grin.gif

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