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A Grand Prix, in Hungary I believe


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To all spaniards:

1) You are a nation of spineless cowards. Madrid train bombings; the aftermath. q.e.d.

2) Gaudi is even more overated than Liebeskind

So, not even Ron Dennis and his mediteranian catamite could prevent Lewis Hamilton from occupying his rightfull place in the pantheon of the F1 gods. Hamilton not only won, he beat Kimi (such a pretty little thing, is he not?)Raikonen in a straight fight.

One thing is for sure, should Hamilton become world champion, he would not only have earned it, but he shall be worthy. He may be the only one.


Johan Buchner

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Dear Sir

Are you insulting me, or are you flirting with me? Insults are all well and good, but flirting with a F1 fan - puhleeaze! And just in case you hail from south of the Dixie line, I do not resemble any farm animal.


Johan Buchner

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Dear Sir

Are you insulting me, or are you flirting with me? Insults are all well and good, but flirting with a F1 fan - puhleeaze! And just in case you hail from south of the Dixie line, I do not resemble any farm animal.


Johan Buchner

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Neither. Such well-read, smart folks correctly using big words like "catamite" should easily recognize humour.

For the record, altho a redneck at heart, I'm north of the M-D Line. We look for feathered fowl up here.

As this is the second time, I'm afraid you are one of these: Enfant Provacateur

And as my racing suit is only rated for above-average flaming, I decline.

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  • 4 weeks later...


To all spaniards:

1) You are a nation of spineless cowards. Madrid train bombings; the aftermath. q.e.d.

2) Gaudi is even more overated than Liebeskind

So, not even Ron Dennis and his mediteranian catamite could prevent Lewis Hamilton from occupying his rightfull place in the pantheon of the F1 gods. Hamilton not only won, he beat Kimi (such a pretty little thing, is he not?)Raikonen in a straight fight.

One thing is for sure, should Hamilton become world champion, he would not only have earned it, but he shall be worthy. He may be the only one.


Johan Buchner

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Your a racist bastard i'm not spanish and i find this offensive yes Fernando made a silly error but thats no reason to bad mouth all spaniards

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Wrong insults you pillock! It is technically incorrect to refer to me as a bastard; my parents were married in 1962 and I was born in 1963. It is further incorrect to accuse me of racism. To be a racist one has to discriminate against a race group one does not belong to oneself. Spaniards are caucasian and so am I. I do not despise the Spaniards because they are white; I despise them because they are a weak and pitifull bunch of cowards and weaklings.

You also mention that you find my writing offensive. Good luck in getting laws passed preventing me from saying exactly what I think. Ever heard of freedom of speech? I will say whatever I like; I do not need permission from some snivelling little politically correct fascist, especially one who lacks the courage to identify himself.


Johan Buchner


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Wrong insults you pillock! It is technically incorrect to refer to me as a bastard; my parents were married in 1962 and I was born in 1963. It is further incorrect to accuse me of racism. To be a racist one has to discriminate against a race group one does not belong to oneself. Spaniards are caucasian and so am I. I do not despise the Spaniards because they are white; I despise them because they are a weak and pitifull bunch of cowards and weaklings.

You also mention that you find my writing offensive. Good luck in getting laws passed preventing me from saying exactly what I think. Ever heard of freedom of speech? I will say whatever I like; I do not need permission from some snivelling little politically correct fascist, especially one who lacks the courage to identify himself.


Johan Buchner


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Wow, you're a real keyboard warrior aren't you?


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Nice to meet you to Mr Lyman.

May I suggest a course in adult literacy? That way you'd know that calling a homo a prick is not much of an insult. Then again, you are British; perhaps you simply don't know any better?

Have a good weekend Luv

Johan the Sodomite Rampante

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Dear Johan,

We're all for good banter, but you're about as funny as a shit in a swimming pool!

So you'd probably make a great Grand Prix commentator!

Yours not-giving-a-shitty,

The entire literate population of the planet.

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Hmmm...Do I have the wrong impression? slap.gif

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  • 2 months later...

lol May i suggest getting some knowlegde in motorsport maybe because it seems like you know nothing of the subject let me guess your reply will be neither do you yeah thats why i'm in the national college of motorsport get a life man theres no need to be racist


Nice to meet you to Mr Lyman.

May I suggest a course in adult literacy? That way you'd know that calling a homo a prick is not much of an insult. Then again, you are British; perhaps you simply don't know any better?

Have a good weekend Luv

Johan the Sodomite Rampante

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Wrong insults you pillock! It is technically incorrect to refer to me as a bastard; my parents were married in 1962 and I was born in 1963. It is further incorrect to accuse me of racism. To be a racist one has to discriminate against a race group one does not belong to oneself. Spaniards are caucasian and so am I. I do not despise the Spaniards because they are white; I despise them because they are a weak and pitifull bunch of cowards and weaklings.

You also mention that you find my writing offensive. Good luck in getting laws passed preventing me from saying exactly what I think. Ever heard of freedom of speech? I will say whatever I like; I do not need permission from some snivelling little politically correct fascist, especially one who lacks the courage to identify himself.


Johan Buchner


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Wow, you're a real keyboard warrior aren't you?


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Haha love that picture yelrotflmao.gif

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