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Motorway Driving [lack of] Standards!


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joined the M60 this morning just after a accident that had closed all 3 lanes with ambulances and fire engines on scene so we had an empty stretch.

In front of me was an old blue civic driver.

I overtook him [into 2nd lane and then came back into 1st lane].

What does this plank do on an essentially empty motorway? Cut straight across all 3 lanes [still at about 75mph] and pootle along in that lane.

Another prat in a bimmer zoomed up behind him so he pulled into the 2nd until over taken before head back into the 3rd lane.

I just give up at times.... ROLLEY~14.GIF

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After doing 3000 miles on French and Swiss roads over the last couple of weeks I came back down to earth with a bump yesterday, on the way into London the traffic was crawling along the M11 at a steady/heady 45-55mph, a few cars in lane 2 and stream bumper to bumper in lane 3.

I just sat on the inside lane at 75mph and went passed them all, we seriously need to start educating people how to drive in this country, why do people need to stay in the outside lane?? I just don't get this mentality?

Some woman was sat in the outside lane on a completely empty M20 the other night, 80mph, no other cars on the road she was sat in lane 4, I went passed at 85mph in lane 1 and she was shaking her head!!

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I agree this is very common, I often think it's almost to do with fear and lack of experience, going back into lane 1 would mean that they would have to try and get back into lane 2 at some point in the future and that scares them.

That being said sometimes using lane 1 can be troublesome because of the ruts left by the lorrys.

My pet hate at the moment is are slip roads. Either I seem to get behind somebody who goes at 50 mph down them or I'm on the motorway when some cock comes down at crazy speeds then expects everyone to move over as they go straigth into lane 3. Is it so difficult to have a quick look over your shoulder as your coming down the sliproad, spot a suitable gap and set you speed to slide in without bothering anyone?

Of course we know it's all down to lack of skills, just take they type of juction where the main carriageway is down to 2 lanes to give the traffic joining a lane of their own. How many times to the joiners not take any notice of this and still pull into lane 2 rather than staying in their lane.

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It isnt just motorways though. In MK - most roads are duals, and you have a lot of people drive in the right lane because they know they are going to turn right at a roundabout somewhere in the distance (it could be 6 or 7 roundabouts time). Then of course you have Dual or 3 lane approach to a roundabout and many people then assume it is a one lane roundabout and will cut accross 2 lanes of traffic in order to take the racing line (at 20mph in rush hour).

I just think driving standards are very poor across the board now.

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Now you've given me a lead into my BIGGEST bugbear. I live on a dual carriage way about 50ft from traffic lights.

Do people move over to the right lane when they see me wanting to reverse out?


Will they stop and let me out if the lights are red? Nope.

In fact smoe twonks will carry on and actually block me in a sit in the traffic at a red light rather than sit back about 10 yds to give me the space to get out.

I also used to see some people move FROM the right lane into the left when they saw me reversing out [to stop me] and then move back into the outside lane.

Utter uselessness.

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There are some terrible drivers out there.

The weirdest one I had recently was going down the A31 towards Guildford. It's a dual carriageway along there on a 60 limit.

A lot of people prefer to sit at 50 in the inside lane due to the fact its so bumpy probably, so I was in the outside lane overtaking, no problem, until I come across a blue Fiesta doing 50 in the outside lane with no one inside her.

Naturally thought she was just pootling, will realise in a minute and move over. No, I kept following her and she had seen me in her mirrors but refused to move over!

So a quick flash of the xenons followed together with a more agressive following position and eventually she moves into the inside lane. I drew up beside her to see what her problem was, look across and she growls at me and draws her finger across her throat!!! This is from some 60 year old granny and she's got a kid in the passenger seat!!!

Couldn't believe that one.

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But what you guys are forgetting is that they're not speeding therefore they have done no wrong.

With the possible exception of drink driving, speeding is the most important safety factor (obviously). If someone is slowing you down to below the speed limit you will stop being dangerous so lives will be saved!

Or maybe just concentrating on one factor of road safety to the exclusion of all others isn't a good thing...

On a lighter note I've always fancied fitting one of the snow-plough things to the front of car, thus middle/right lane hogs can be safely deposited back into the left lane. Doubt they'd even notice though.

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Its bloody anoying when every one is nose to tail in the third lane and the 2nd lane is partialy populated with the first lane almost completey empty. Then you get more peeved at someone who has had enough and undertakes the lot in the 2nd lane. All the while until the pillock at the front finaly decides that his role as road captain is over and lets everyone pass.

And what about morons who pull out in front of you and just won't move out of the way. Yes I do drive a bit quick in the right conditions but take as much care as possible and make sure that I'm aware whats around me from all FIVE directions wink.gif and I certainly don't hog the 3rd lane. I've all too often seen drivers poodling along in the 2nd lane on an empty motorway for me to catch up with them in the first lane then having to use the 3rd lane to overtake them; followed by the compulsory flash your headlights at me because I flashed you first to get the F*** out of that lane and in to the 1st SAUER0421.GIF. Driving in this country has become a chor and is no longer a plessure frown.gif

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I don't think this problem will ever be overcome,people really seem not to care whether they drive correctly or not on the motorway.

I mean I just drove back from Luton an hour ago and yet again,there was an accident in the M1 roadworks and long tailbacks because of it.

If people can't avoid an accident at 50,in a straight line,on a 3 lane road,then what hope is there that they might actually bother to use their lanes correctly! sportifs2.gif

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If someone is slowing you down to below the speed limit you will stop being dangerous so lives will be saved!

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So driving at 40 on a clear motorway in the outside lane is not dangerous?? confused.gif

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Let me introduce you to sarcasm wink.gif

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Much of the problem with driving standards is down to the government obsession with speeding, as was said earlier. Most people think that so long as they are not breaking the speed limit their driving is good, and this is backed up by the government and police who rarely pull over drivers for this type of offence (not their fault, there is no point no magistrate would convict anyway)

The other point is most people sit in the outside lane because they believe driving in the other lanes make them appear a lesser driver, in todays society people only want the best and that is the outside lane.

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Much of the problem with driving standards is down to the government obsession with speeding, as was said earlier. Most people think that so long as they are not breaking the speed limit their driving is good, and this is backed up by the government and police who rarely pull over drivers for this type of offence (not their fault, there is no point no magistrate would convict anyway)

The other point is most people sit in the outside lane because they believe driving in the other lanes make them appear a lesser driver, in todays society people only want the best and that is the outside lane.

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Have to agree with that. My other pet hat is waiting at a T junction for a car to pass, only for them to indicate left into the road you are coming out of a nano second before turning - indicating earlier having allowed you to leave the junction earlier. ARGH

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Have to agree with that. My other pet hat is waiting at a T junction for a car to pass, only for them to indicate left into the road you are coming out of a nano second before turning - indicating earlier having allowed you to leave the junction earlier. ARGH

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You have to be careful with that one. Many moons ago when I took my bike training the instructor advised that you should always wait until the oncoming traffic was turning even if it did have an indicator on. It's not un-common for plebs to change their mind at the last minute.

Saved my bacon a few times.

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The other point is most people sit in the outside lane because they believe driving in the other lanes make them appear a lesser driver, in todays society people only want the best and that is the outside lane.

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Good point.

I'm not going in the slow/crawler/lorry lane mentality.

Or the other dumb-arse attitude that an old pal used to have.

"If I'm in the outside lane doing 70,nobody's coming past me". smashfreakB.gif

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This will never happen but if everyone used their mirrors correctly and stuck to being two car lengths/shevrons apart then the motorways would be a pleasure to drive on but alas i know my next venture onto a motorway will destroy this dream !! ROLLEY~14.GIF

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If it's any consolation to you lot back in blighty. The Germans are no better. Standard procedure over here is see how late you can leave it before exiting or joining any slip road. A common occurence here is if you pull get into the correct lane before entering or leaving a slip road, say 500m or less, you can gaurentee that the tit behind you will overtake you and then pull in regardless whether or not the space exist. As for politeness to fellow drivers. Forget it. If you let someone in do not expect a thank you. If your trying to get out then the best policy is to force your way through.

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I think mtorways need non-speed related video cameras, so idiots can to re-educated or prosecuted for stupid driving.

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I'd always thought these cameras were called "traffic cops", but I haven't seen any for years so maybe they don't exist any more?

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M11 last Monday at around 10.30pm, just before Harlow, woman driving down the road chatting away to her friend with me beeping her in the outside lane, a car behind her flashing away like a moron and the car in front with his hazards on.

Now most people at this point would look to see if their hazards were on, the car is on fire or just pull over and check what was up.

No, she was completely oblivious to all of us, just carried on chatting away not aware that she had absolutely no lights on at all!!

It was night, it was dark and it was busy, and there she was in a dark car with no lights at all and completely unaware of it too!

The amount of people who leave their left indicator on too is amazing, I reckon I flash half a dozen people a week, or pull in front of them and put my indicators on to let them know, probably one of them realises what I am trying to say and turn them off.

Just the other day an a guy in an A4 came round the roundabout with his left indicator on and I pulled out, and just managed to brake in time as he kept coming round, he then started to give me a load of grief about pulling out!! Fecking idiot!! Learn how to use your indicators!!

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Do people move over to the right lane when they see me wanting to reverse out?


Will they stop and let me out if the lights are red? Nope.

In fact smoe twonks will carry on and actually block me in a sit in the traffic at a red light rather than sit back about 10 yds to give me the space to get out.

I also used to see some people move FROM the right lane into the left when they saw me reversing out [to stop me] and then move back into the outside lane.

Utter uselessness.

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Ah but did you know it's illegal to reverse onto a main road?

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Regarding the motorway lane hoggers.

I am sure the technology exists now to enable lane hoggers to be invoiced for the lanes the are waisting. Given that it costs around £23M per mile of 3 lane motorway, just send the middle lane hogger a bill for £3.8M for every mile they travel in the middle lane for effectivley reducing the motorway from 3 to 2 lanes.

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