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Discounted Driver Training Day at Prodrive


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I was originally booked last October on the Driver Development Programme which is run at the Prodrive test track near Warwick, but ended up not going.

I've since re-kindled this and am going in my S4 with a mate in his Boxster S on Monday April 21st. I've managed to negotiate a discount on the standard daily charge of £325 to £310 for anyone members of Tyresmoke. You still liase with them directly re booking and payment, but drop me a PM and I'll let you know how to get the reduced rate.

I need to stress it's NOT a track day - it's about understanding how to get the most out of your car in loads of different conditions in a controlled environment so you can either dig yourself out of the sh*t if you get into a sticky patch, or drive the car right up to its limits on the track.

I'm doing it for both - I know I would enjoy track days that much more knowing how far I should and shouldn't push the car and also understand how to drive more quickly in a controlled way.

More info from the site:

09.00 Arrival, sign in, breakfast

09.20-09.45 Welcome presentation/briefing

09.45-10.30 Driving session 1

10.45-11.30 Driving session 2

11.45-12.30 Driving session 3

12.30-13.30 Lunch

13.45-16.00 Driving session 4

16.00 Debrief and departure

Each course will consist of 4 driving sessions as detailed below:

1) Performance and Dynamic Vehicle Handling

Conducted on Tower Circuit, the 1.5 mile high performance circuit is designed to teach car control and improve balance awareness. It has been specially marked out with chicanes and high and low speed corners, which can only be driven smoothly by setting up the car correctly. Drivers soon learn that the best way to lap this circuit is through correct positioning and well judged application of the brakes and throttle. Correct use of vision, acceleration, braking and cornering, are the most important concepts to master. Your instructor will take each guest through their own personal development plan.

2) Adverse Handling

The adverse handling circuit is a tight and twisty tarmac track. In many ways it simulates urban driving, with low speed corners and constant changes of direction. Here you will develop further your use of vision and matching road speed with the correct gear, so the car is constantly responsive. Also the necessity to keep the car balanced at all times. This track will really highlight incorrect driving techniques, easily putting the car in to understeer and oversteer situations. All in a safe environment.

3) Multi Surface Wet Grip Skid Control and Skid Circle

Prodrive has one of only three calibrated split grip surfaces in the UK. Used by vehicle manufacturers to test braking, traction and stability systems, its ability to simulate ice and snow in all weather conditions makes it the perfect area to teach skid control and the benefits of ABS and DSC. Your instructor will take you through a series of demonstrations highlighting the effects of understeer and oversteer, vital driving techniques for developing car control. You will then practise the same.

The Skid Circle is perfect to simulate driving on a slippery roundabout, giving the driver a real feel of understeer and oversteer. The low grip surface enables real time driving simulation on black ice, as a result our instructors are able to demonstrate the potential hazards of driving in such slippery conditions. this will really highlight the difference between traction control on (if you have this system ) and traction control off, giving increased confidence when driving on wet and greasy roads. These areas are constantly wet, creating a very low traction surface, therefore there is no wear on tyres or car systems.

4) Mixed Practice

A practice of all three disciplines, focusing on each individual's preferences.

Woppum did the course last year and ended up raving about it. More details at www.driverdp.com

Oh, and BTW, I'm in no way associated with Prodrive or Driver DP 169144-ok.gif


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Don't call Robin - drop Carolyn an e-mail. Her address is on the web site 169144-ok.gif

Because I'm not going to publish my name on the web site, drop me a PM and you can then give her this info to get the reduced rate.


And Craig, Glasgow to Warwick is only 320 miles according to Google...

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....And possibly a lot of rubber off your tyres, Craig.

Mook - Thanks, I've just emailed Carolyn and asked for other possible dates for this course. I am planning to have a Quaife ATB (limited slip diff) fitted to my DSG gearbox but prefer to wait for my VW warranty to expire. Obviously the Quaife will significantly effect my car's handling and it would be remiss of me to take advantage of the course before it is fitted. Of course I would not expect a TSN discount for a different date.

In fact, this course would provide the perfect opportunity for me to safely explore the Quaife. But will I catch a tracky bug? grin.gif


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  • 2 weeks later...

I had this recommeded to me by Big John Cave of DriveTrain fame. I aim to do this later this year and after talking with John have found out that I can have John as my instructor as he instucts there. I intend to do this to maintain continuity in my advanced training.


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I had this recommeded to me by Big John Cave of DriveTrain fame. I aim to do this later this year and after talking with John have found out that I can have John as my instructor as he instucts there. I intend to do this to maintain continuity in my advanced training.


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....That's very useful to know 169144-ok.gif. I did a Drivetrain day with Big John too and would love him to be my instructor on a Prodrive day 169144-ok.gif.

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  • 6 months later...

Yes, yonks ago - May I think. Much better experience if you've got a RWD car - took my S4 and a friend took his Boxster S - had more fun on the skid pans with the Boxster, but you can get an S4 sideways and doing consistent fishtailing tankslappers if you persist!

A lot of the day comes down to who your trainer is. We spent quite a bit of time on the main test track (I learned a lot about very late braking and turn in techniques), as well as on the smaller track at the end, which is about getting your car to go very smoothly through some very tight turns as quickly as possible. It's all about technique (way-hey!).

Worth doing +++

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I'm struggling to get the time away from home to do this :(:(:(

It's a night away that I just cant get away with (4 week old baby girl causing all the havoc)... so have just booked a open-pitlane track day at Brands (without Mrs B knowing!) but it's local and should be able to do without too much grief.... unless I stack it!

Have fun Mike +++

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AS long as you don't end up doing what this muppet did at Audi Driver International at Castle Combe this weekend....


From Shark's comment here when I asked about it: http://www.tyresmoke.net/forum/meets-trackdays/111581-audi-driver-day-11th-october.html

He lost it there the lap before too, but didn't go off. The guy ran out of talent (infact, looking at his previous driving, he didn't have any to start with).

All your assumptions are correct, lift-off oversteer, back end came around and thud. My bet is that he hadn't done any track driving before and just went balls out.

One of the guys on another forum was sat next to him waiting to go on track, and apparently he was revving the knackers of it while sat in the queue and the passenger was taking loads of pictures of the driver and the car etc.

Zero sympathy from me I'm afraid...

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Exactly the reason why when I'm doing a track/'ring day I'm happy to back off, let someone past or not tail-gate someone... it'll only end in tears.

Like you say, zero sympathy if someone is acting the big I-AM... (isn't that an acronim for Institute of Advanced Motorists :eek: )

What is that? an SLine or something :coffee:

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