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More Speed Camera/Fixed Penalty Questions?


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Quite simple..... got stopped by a mobile hand held unit on a 'cut-through' side road this morning, apparantly touched 42mph :-(

Joined the side road, may have picked up to about 40 then actually backed off before I saw the illuminous green jackets of the officers and the end of the road. They pulled me in and quite happily offered my 3 points and £60, said no driver courses were available.

Only thing they didnt clear for me was, is there a distance I needed to be travelling at '42 mpg' before they could do me or as I hit 42, even briefly thats enough to do me, even though as I approached them, prior to seeing them I was back below that speed?

Has anybody bothered to go to court on for a similiar offence?

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Playing the waiting game here .... 90ish on a dual carriageway and didn’t spot the man on the bridge with the gun. Thing is there was also a patrol car below who had already stopped an XKR .. so I don’t know if they carry with the gun or if it needs both of them. My fault – should have been looking out

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I thought that police officers' with a hand held gun had to actually pull you to issue a ticket.

I'm hoping so, but i got shot at nearly a ton from an overhead bridge.. the van was the typical unit with the black windows at the back.

I suppose if they've got your numberplate and speed, that's all they need.

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