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Rumour - New iphone in the summer

Gra -The Stig

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I have been waiting impaitently to get an iphone when my contract runs out in June. I know there is conflicting views about the iphone but i really want one.

I found this link about a new iphone coming out in the summer. Is there any truth in this rumour, would it be worth holding out after June to get the brand new iphone?

Want a 3G iPhone? Rumours say wait 'til May... - MoneySavingExpert.com Forums

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I can't see how desperation has anything to do with it considering how succesful it's been :P 0 to 17% market share ain't bad :eek:

Like I've said previously, how people use mobiles (and how people communicate in general) is changing - the idea of the calling part of a phone is becoming less important weirdly enough.

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as you say 17% isn't bad, but apple want complete domination like the iPod.

It'll never happen, it's just far to expensive to target a big enough audience. And it lacks to may key features that people see when deciding on their purchase.

That's not taking into account brand loyalty, from people who have had Nokia's etc for the last 10 years.

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If they stick a 10 mp camera on it, that market share will grow by one more person +++ otherwise I'll be waiting impatiently for the new SonyE iPhone killer.

Which will be tosh, because it will crash at random and the Bluetooth won't work just like all the other SE phones :(

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Wha about the change of operator from O2 to Orange? Will this be compition for O2 or will Orange have exclusive right, therefore Orange have the monoploy rather than O2?

I was under the impression the Orange deal had fallen through? :confused:

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O2 have announced a link to Vodaphone with shared infrastructures across Europe, and as Vodaphone where the primary carrier Apple where interested in before O2 it's more likely if there was going to be another carrier, it would be Vodaphone +++

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Never had any trouble with crashing or bluetooth on my SE phones. Or are you using it for more than sending a few numbers and picturehs?

It's hands-free where it falls down, most OE car kits have problems with SE phones (I've had K750i, K800i, K850i, W910i, P1i, P900 er... trying to think if I've had any more) and apart from the K750i which was fine, every single one has had big problems with Bluetooth.

Generally it stems from the car kits trying to download the contacts list from the phone and failing which causes the phone to disconnect and sometimes crash. The worst one of the lot was the P900 which, as you were talking on a call, would get quieter and more crackly until it would eventually disconnect from the Bluetooth but still be connected to the call, and you couldn't retrieve the call in the handset either, not that you'd want to while you're driving.

This is more than just a little annoying when you spend a lot of time on the road as I do :rolleyes:

I currently have an Xperia X1i and as it's WM6.1 (which has its own problems) it's not bad on Bluetooth and doesn't disconnect or crash in the same way. It does sometimes randomly lose the contact list when on Bluetooth and sometimes won't let me answer an incoming call which is frustrating, but that might be WM6.1's fault rather than the phone. However my work phone (WM6) is perfectly OK.

Please excuse the essay +++

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I've found the exact opposite, SE phones have been perfect on bluetooth on the BMW, but Nokia is a pile of rubbish.

On the X1, there is or was a bug that randomly shots off the bluetooth, person at work says it drives him mad and he is going to get rid of the phone because of that alone if its not fixed soon, two people have the same issue. :eek:

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  • 3 weeks later...

:grin: I heard the camera was going up from 2mp to a massive 3.2mp (ho hum).... and the storage would be going up to 32gb as Apple having been buying up shedloads of flash memory +++

I really want one, anything, to replace my heap of sh!t touch diamond - HTC took a full 6 months to answer my email query (sent 4/8/08 and answered 10/2/09) with a wholly unsatisfactory answer and then emailed me a week later to call me a "valued customer" and request I take part in a customer satisfaction survey... :ffs:

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See, I am one of these people who does not like to be a sheep, but then sometimes the sheep are right. But nearly every bugegr at work has one, suppose that is what I get for working in IT. I do not want a blackberry!

I tend to have something different when buying a phone or a mp3 player. but saying that I am sure loads of people have the K850i. Maybe I am just being stupid, but as the Iphone is I would not get one.

The new one has me interested, but I am also keeping an eye on this Palm Pre Phone - Features, Details, Reviews : Palm USA just wished it had more than 8gig storage!!

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heap of sh!t touch diamond

I think you and I are the only people I've seen that aren't keen on the Touch Diamond.

I'm tempted with an iPhone but O2 coverage is pretty shoddy at home which rules them out. I'm currently using a Blackberry Bold which does the job very nicely.

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:grin: I heard the camera was going up from 2mp to a massive 3.2mp (ho hum).... and the storage would be going up to 32gb as Apple having been buying up shedloads of flash memory +++

3.2mp? They might as well sell it with a dot matrix printer! Anything less than 5mp and you might as well not bother IMO.

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Unless you are going to take the image off the phone and blow it up the hunt for ever higher mega pixels really isn't important. What is are good optics and the engine to process the data the sensor records.

I've just move from a Sony Ericsson 3.2mp to a Nokia and the Sony was better quality in every way but they are they are recording the same amount of data.

For a phone with such a tiny lens being used big mega pixels is pointless in my opinion and a tiny part of the overall equation that results in a good quality picture being recorded. +++

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I didn't think I would be, but since having my iPhone, i am so over having a camera in a phone. I've gone through two Sharps, a D600, a K800i, an N73 and an N95 over the last couple of years and have taken quite a few pictures with them but since buying a 'proper' camera last year, i don't see much point in phone pictures anymore.

I know it's handy when you might be out and about without carrying a decent camera, but half the time the images are duff or grainy and as far as low light goes, forget it. The joy of the iPhone is, it does everything I want it to do and more, and I don't care about the below average camera. :) I can even make calls and send texts. :roflmao:

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. The joy of the iPhone is, it does everything I want it to do and more

That is the simple beauty of them. I was sceptical when it was first released and my play in the apple store put me off. However with the updated software I gave it another look, and ended up buying one.

As one user on here said to me "the iPhone is like having your mac in your pocket" and it truly is.

There are some iPhone fanboys out there who see nothing wrong in it. It does have faults and limitations, but so did every other Nokia and SE phone I have had for the last 6 years. Then you get the other end of the scale, those who hate it simply because it is an apple product. I genuinely doubt I will buy another mobile other than updated versions of the iPhone in the years to come.

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My biggest gripe about the iPhone is that it is just that little bit too big to comfortably carry around in your pocket.

That said however, the screen is the perfect size for its purpose and i've yet to come across another touch screen phone that even comes close to it in terms of its user interface.

I recently bought a Nokia 5800 and this phone is MILES behind the iPhone, despite Nokia having ages to come up with a decent competitor. The Nokia N97 comes out in July, which will be Nokia's real iPhone competitor, so it will be interesting to see what the N97 will be like.

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