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Brand new RS6?


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Well chatting with my local dealer today and he's offering a cracking deal on a new RS6 registered March 09

Basically he's giving me what I paid for my car 4 months ago and 14K off the list price. I specced up the car from Audi and it comes to £81K with it's options.

The dealer wants 15k and my car, so basically that is £66k difference, I paid 52K for mine in December so there is £14k off the price, now other dealers have offered me £43K for my car, so it seems like a good deal.

Any thoughts?

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It would also be rude to be woken up at 4:00 AM by a thug with a baseball bat demanding the keys, even though I don't have them tucked down my Y fronts.

But the deal is at one place £13k for an 08 plate with 11K miles or more and 15K for a brand spanker, seems a no brainer.

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It would also be rude to be woken up at 4:00 AM by a thug with a baseball bat demanding the keys, even though I don't have them tucked down my Y fronts.

But the deal is at one place £13k for an 08 plate with 11K miles or more and 15K for a brand spanker, seems a no brainer.

Spend the money on home security then?

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So £43k trade bid for yours plus £15k for a new one equals £58k. That's on the money for what they were going for a month or two ago and with stock drying up its a good deal. Obviously there will be used ones for under £50k by the autumn but £58k for a new one is worth going for even if it is an 08MY.

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Hmm.. that's a bit naughty.. selling it from underneath you like that..

I hope they gave you a call to explain.

Happened to me with an S8 when I said the night before I was 90% sure but when I called back in the morning they had already sold it without telling me. Unless you have paid a deposit then it can happen.

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