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I Love the M button....


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Last week I was going past our local BMW dealer in my lunch break, as its only down the road from where I work, I went in and got some prices for some parts for the E34. As I walked past the show room I noticed that a E60 M5 was lurking inside.

Hmmmm I thought, with that the next day I went in the showroom the car was not there. So I decided to see if I could get a test drive, after talking to the salesman and showing a keen interest without being over the top the salesman was every bit as helpful as I had hoped. With this I said how much a month I would like to spend and if I could have some quotes based on this. I sent a e-mail to the salesman as I had not recieved anything. The next day I got the information about the prices a month and the breakdown. I sent a mail back thanking him and also with the fact that I would like to see the car more but the SMG is putting me off and I would need to be 100% in order to buy the car. As I do remember that he said about trying to get me a demo in the car.

So yesterday I had a mail saying that the car was back, as it had been away having some paint sorted out on the bumper as they wanted it to be perfect. Now a closer look at the E60 M5 would be enough, but a drive would be fantastic. So mid/late afternoon the salesman called in and collected me. We went through the car seeing what had been improved and what options the iDrive can change.

Upon sitting in the car and closing the door with a heavy thud, she felt like a fine leather chair that could do alot of mile crunching in. Buckeling up the seat squeesed me like someone testing the ripeness of a melon, not too hard but just enough. Now the seats have so many adjustments you would be fooled into thinking that your settling in a car that has this amount of power and performance. You can change everypart of the seat, you can make them hug you more or less for instance.

Now to fun, after adjusting the seat and the rake of the steering wheel. One thing that you notice is the Heads Up Display (HUD), which is all well and good and does take some while in getting used to, as you do look at it alot when driving for me tho I think it was down to the fact that with the paddle shifting (Which is not like a Steering wheel on a Playstation or Xbox) I never really knew what gear I was in. The HUD does also give you a Rev counter which has different colours on for when the engine is cold and of course the limiter. The selected gear is there also whether your in D for the Automatic feature of the SMG or in full all out hardcore terror mode, which will call normal Paddle shifting. Of course you can use the little joystick to select the modes and change gear also.

Now the power and gear change is awesome. But is so smooth with its delivery of the power that you can be fooled that your not doing those speeds which you are. Its very business like inside the E60 M5 quiet yet purposeful. The steering is very quick and precise which can catch you out first time round. Braking is also good that reasures you that if you need them they can be called upon to stop this 1800kg car in a flash. Nothing in the way of feel or looks under the bonnet give away that there is a V10 lurking underneath to suck in small children along with furry animals.

Now onto the M button, the button that lets loose. But as with any electronic gizmo these days you can control and adapt it to how you want it to be. If you wanted you could have the M button set so it doesn't change the BHP only suspension settings etc. I suppose keeps those business Kiddies, so I mean Men busy when on long trips. But for this purpose it was set to the 507 Sport setting which ment everything got tighter but without rattling any fillings. Boy does she like to sing and I did get her to, from a rolling start in 2nd to limiter with a prod of the loud pedal, click into 3rd and more power more speed, 4th same again, 5th and then I backed off not due to being scared but mainly the salesman was in the car and the thought of a car pulling out would not be pleasent. Changing down is also fun with a automatic blip of the throttle on the down shift. But the best part was just coming turning into the corner and the side bolsters go against you in the corner to keep you more up right. Did a bit of town driving and I have to say I could get used to the SMG gearbox. You can use the paddles or just stick her in D and use the Automatic feature but be aware that if you take over using the paddles then you have to engage Automatic mode again. Something else that is strange is pulling away using the paddles you have to makesure that you keep your foot on the brake if on the hill but if your not you don't have to do anything. Only lightly press the loud peddle to engage that you want to move off and alittle more to do so.

Overall after a short while I was impressed with this car alot. More than what I was expecting, even with its TDi sounding tick over. But one thing I will say is that you can see the Blood line in this E60 from the E34. Things have only been changed to improve the car, everything that was in the E34 you can still feel and sense in the E60. This is unlike say a VW Golf Mk2 to a Mk4 where things have been changed alot thought the years to get to where they are now. With BMW they must of gotten this mix of Performance and Luggague hauling right the first time round and only have improved what people wanted.


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I would do, but 70K is alot of dosh to lose in 3 years, as I reckon that the car would be worth at the end of the lease about 45k. After spending way to much on new cars I think I will wait!!

Both are different but both very fun.. You can really see the bloodline that flows between them!!

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Ah, I see what you mean. However, the M5 won't lose anything like as much as other cars if you look at it in terms of percentages.

Three years on they'll still be a very prized car.

£45k after 3 years is very very very good. Excellent in fact. £70k would be pretty much fully loaded and a residual of £45k after 3 years means the car has retained 65% of it's original value. Very very few cars will match that.

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£45k after 3 years is very very very good. Excellent in fact. £70k would be pretty much fully loaded and a residual of £45k after 3 years means the car has retained 65% of it's original value. Very very few cars will match that.

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Depreciation, e.g cost, is under £700 a month. 169144-ok.gif

That's a bargain in my book!, especially if you can get a low interest rate and keep it under £800 a month.

A typical low-end BMW/Audi/Merc costs people up to £500 a month anyway.

So for an extra 50 quid a week...... ECLIPSe.gif

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Sorry, that was a bit harsh but I can't stand it when people go to test drive cars they clearly have no hope or intention of buying. coffee.gif

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If he has no hope, then that may be the only chance he will ever get to drive a monster like the M5. can't blame a guy for dreaming, plus provides a great benchmark to test other cars against.

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Sorry, that was a bit harsh but I can't stand it when people go to test drive cars they clearly have no hope or intention of buying.


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Yep, we all dream about driving a fantasty car that we will never own (from new).

I have not done it yet, as being a weak individual when it comes to certain cars, I would end up buying the thing!

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I understand what Chrispy is saying, I would be pissed off also. But what I didn't expect from the test drive was to fall in love with the car. Would all be very easy to sell my house and move in with my Mum!!

MrME - your right, but its a big hit to swollow. I think that trade in value would be interesting.. as 30kk deposit, 18k for 3 years lease, 33k to pay at the end!

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Sorry, that was a bit harsh but I can't stand it when people go to test drive cars they clearly have no hope or intention of buying. coffee.gif

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If he has no hope, then that may be the only chance he will ever get to drive a monster like the M5. can't blame a guy for dreaming, plus provides a great benchmark to test other cars against.

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I have test driven plenty of cars I had no intention of buying. I also have bought 2 cars a few years later, because of the test drive.

.... Am I a timewaster too?? smashfreakB.gif

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I can relate to that. I had absolutely no intention of buying an M3 until I took it for (what I thought at the time at least) a "time waster" test drive.

I had been all set to buy a new E90 3er, when I saw a used M3 with great spec, low mileage at a decent price. Took it for a test drive and was totally hooked.

Went home, did the sums with the missus, knew the fuel consumption was awful, knew the tax and insurance were frightening, knew that I can't really use the capabilities of the car 95% of the time, and yet here I am driving an M3.

So I reckon that salesmen know this and hence are often willing to give people test drives in such cars (provided of course you look like you could possibly afford it).

I wouldnt want to show up at my local BM dealer in a track suit and a pair of trainers for example. They would laugh you out of it.


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