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"Keep left unless overtaking"


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Anyone noticed this warning on motorway signs of late? Its been appearing on the M27 for a couple of weeks.

Funniest thing was this morning, i was in the slow lane, doing 70, there was a sign displaying that message above me, nothing in the slow lane for about a mile, yet queues in the middle and fast lanes. I really need to learn to undertake sekret.gif

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Anyone noticed this warning on motorway signs of late? Its been appearing on the M27 for a couple of weeks.

Funniest thing was this morning, i was in the slow lane, doing 70, there was a sign displaying that message above me, nothing in the slow lane for about a mile, yet queues in the middle and fast lanes. I really need to learn to undertake sekret.gif

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That's the problem though.......... All the time people call it 'THE SLOW LANE' then the half wits wont use the 'slow lane'.............


I'm too good for the slow lane - I'll just sit here in the left overtaking (middle) lane and really feck the real drivers off

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Slow lane! - I'm laughing just thinking about it! grin.gif

NUMPTYS smashfreakB.gif


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I still don't get why these turnips need signs like this. WTF can't people learn to drive properly on motorways smashfreakB.gif

Germany is by far the best place to drive on multi-lane roads. Mirrors, indicate, pull out, overtake, pull back in again. Most every driver I ever came across in the two years I worked there had sensible lane discipline.

Even BMW drivers pulled back in after they'd overtaken ROLLEY~14.GIF

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Maybe they need registration recognition, imagine the sign saying "M543 SDF You belong in the slow lane, tw#t"

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We have those in Japan. "79-83 get out of the bus lane"

And the cameras on intersections have loud speakers and the cops are not always polite "Oi! You in the silver Toyota Crown rego Nagoya 500 ni 34-69. DON'T park inside the intersection.... yes, you!" the_finger.gif

They're fighting a loosing battle though coffee.gif

We havethe same problem with fastlane hoggers too. And some of them get pissed when you undertake ices_blah.gif

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So true abt Germany. They are also much more appreciative of nice cars as a whole. None of the look, but dont let the guy see me looking. Or I'm not letting you in cos I'm jealous of your car.

Although the Lane discipline may have more to do with self preservation. Sitting in the "fast lane" in Germany you have a fair chance of getting a 150mph+ rocket up your backside.

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The theory is good but it just doesn't work in practise cos of all the numpties out there.

Picture the scene, you're in lane 3 passing a car in lane 2. Stream of cars ahead and behind you. Gap in lane 2 ahead of the car you've passed so you (correctly) move in. Car behind you in lane 3 immediately moves up to your place. You're now approaching the next car in lane 2 that you need to pass. You signal, but no one is giving way so you're trapped and forced to slow to the speed of the car in lane 2. Lane 3 now whizzing past and you're sat there, right turn indicator flashing away. Eventually you force your way back into lane 3 and pass the car in 2. Gap in front but do you pull in? No, feck that you'll never get out again!

British motorways are too crowded and (most) British motorists too ignorant. So you end up being yet another on autopilot in lane 3. smashfreakB.gif

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Well on my way back from the South today I followed a blue MGF on a P plate.

The female occupant (I'll refrain from calling her a driver because that indicates some form of learning process having taken place) stayed in the outside lane despite BOTH inside lanes being clear for a full 1 mile stretch.

She was doing 80-85 mph so I accept she wasn't pottering along. However, I wanted to get past and get home.

Did she move? Did she hell.

Only when we came to another stretch with no other vehicles in sight, and only when I made it very clear because of my angered proximity to her vehicles rear, did she pull in.

As soon as I'd passed her she pulled back out - much to the annoyance of the Volvo S80 who had been behind me waiting for her to get out of the way.....except he wasn't so understanding and flashed his lights on full beam at her.

I think that was a bit OTT, but she certainly knew how to wind people up.

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I give people a quick flash with full beam at first just in case they are asleep. This is after waiting for the to move over.

If not the full beam will get longer and longer. After all isn't it to say that you are approaching or are there to warn the driver in the highway code or something similar. confused.gif

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The polite way in Germany to say "get the feck out the way" is to indicate when you're coming up behind a car.

I've used this for a long time over here (sit in the outside lane behind someone and indicate right until they pull over) and people seem to apologise for being in your way, rather than giving you the V's because you're "just another one of those t*ssers in a rep-mobile"...

Try it next time you're on the motorway, as long as there's room for the person you're behind to pull in. 169144-ok.gif

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After all isn't it to say that you are approaching or are there to warn the driver in the highway code or something similar.

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the law for that is for coming up to a junction of sort .. a quick flash of the headlight means your are coming through.. that is why the police use it. however it has become the norm that a quick flash of the headlights is a sign of giving way .. god knows why!! confused.gif

can anyone tell ive bin revisin for my theory?? fekr.gif lol

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The theory is good but it just doesn't work in practise cos of all the numpties out there.

Picture the scene, you're in lane 3 passing a car in lane 2. Stream of cars ahead and behind you. Gap in lane 2 ahead of the car you've passed so you (correctly) move in. Car behind you in lane 3 immediately moves up to your place. You're now approaching the next car in lane 2 that you need to pass. You signal, but no one is giving way so you're trapped and forced to slow to the speed of the car in lane 2. Lane 3 now whizzing past and you're sat there, right turn indicator flashing away. Eventually you force your way back into lane 3 and pass the car in 2. Gap in front but do you pull in? No, feck that you'll never get out again!

British motorways are too crowded and (most) British motorists too ignorant. So you end up being yet another on autopilot in lane 3. smashfreakB.gif

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Too true. Too true.

I encountered one of those 'wagon doing 56.1mph overtaking wagon doing 56mph' situations on the way home yesterday afternoon. Why, why, why? SAUER0421.GIF

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When someone is clearly being stupid, and visible as such from a long way off (empty inside lane etc.), I have no compunction about simply closing on them at full speed with headlights swtiched to full beam from half a mile back.

Idiots like that respond much more smartly to someone apparently vectoring in on them at Warp 9 and still coming (and possibly not having noticed them, for all they know sekret.gif) than they do to you sitting there and flashing politely once you're already right behind them and have been forced to slow down - basic human "eeek" response to a pair of big eyes getting closer very fast.

Er, assuming you actually are in control, leave room to slow down, it's not raining, etc. etc. - I'm talking about (apparent) closing speeds, not about tailgating.

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We havethe same problem with fastlane hoggers too. And some of them get pissed when you undertake ices_blah.gif

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Get pissed??! I don't like the idea of that. Being undertaken would'nt drive me to drinking and driving!! jump.gif

Do you all undertake though?

If i ever do it - i always feel like a berk and feel like im the only one in the world doing it.

If it's something we all do, I could cut my journey time in the morning by about 10 minutes!!

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And, dare i say it, do as other countries in Europe have done and put 'long haul' freight back on to the rail network. This would solve problems and would also mean that lorry drivers would still be required for multi-national work and also taking loads from rail depots to their final destinations etc.

This method would also cut pollution.

Only downside would be that it'd be a kick in the nuts for the government as tax from hauliers would be lowered and probably passed on to the rest of us.

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Experienced all of the above yesterday. Drove from Nagoya to Kobe, a 500km return trip. The trip over was pretty uneventful but the return trip EEK2.GIF

Trucks passing with a 2kph difference and a women who was tailgated by a truck less than a meter behind her for about 10km and refused to pull over. There was never enough space for the truck to undertake but there were numerous times when she could have pulled over to let him by suicide.gif

Then there were the drivers who couldn't pass and started swerving about behind cars and trying to duck and dive through impossible gaps openfire.gif

I was following a truck in the passing lane and had some guy come screaming up behind me in an S2000. There was no way I could get out of the way but he started flashing his highbeams anyway. I just ignored him and when the truck pulled over I left him for dead. Only to come up behind another truck and for this guy to start flashing me again. Next time the truck pulled over I floored it but he was ready this time. Caution got the better of me just after 200kph coffee.gif

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