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Ghost Recon - Xbox360- I am so stupid


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I was so excited when I got it. The graphics are great, it sounds great, and I get to show off the HD plasma with it. But damn the stupid game, I'm stuck! This is so stupid, but how on earth do you jump over the wall in training mode? It's only the third thing you've got to do, and I can;t work it out! smashfreakB.gif

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Played this for the first time on my new HD TV last night and was blown away by the difference in the graphics EEK2.GIF.

The 360 does look good on a normal tv but having now joined the High Definition revolution, I won't be going back 169144-ok.gif

It does make the game easier though, think I'll have to replay it from the start on the hard setting.

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INdeed. I had such an argument with the lads at work who said the 360 was average graphics wise. I couldn't understand it! I then tried it on the CRT upstairs, (the plasma I had it plugged in to is an HD one), and he was right! The PQ is vastly different when taking advantage of HD.

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