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I am dreaming?


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First of all I would like to say a big hello to you all - this is my first post on here so please be gentle!

As a current VAG driver (Golf 1.8T) I am looking to upgrade to an Audi 2.5 TDi cab.

I am looking to spend around the £21k mark, with the main requirements being leather seats and lowish (below 35k) miles. I would prefer the auto box but not overly fussed either way on this. Colour-wise, ideally want black or red.

Just wondering if I am dreaming at getting a motor with these requirements at this sort of price, and should be thinking of lowering my expectations or increasing my spend, or should I stick to my guns and keep looking.

I throw myself at the feet of your combined experience!


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Various people have not been overly impressed with the Multitronic 2.5TDi Cab. It doesn't seem to be the best option.

You'll get more choice if you look at 1.8T and 3.0 petrol used cabs. The 1.8T has good economy and goes OK. The 3.0 still has reasonable economy and running cost, goes well and is hyper refined. Highly reccommended IMO. This engine also seems to suit the multitronic 'box better than the 2.5TDi.

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Cheers for the replies guys.

Has to be a diesel for the economy - I do about 100 miles per day, and don't find the 1.8T in the Golf great on economy, so can only imagine it would be worse in the heavier A4.

Would love the 3.0, but my wallet would have a heart attack!

Maybe I would be better going for the manual box?

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Be careful about the diesel economy. I had a 2.5tdi for a couple of days to try and it retunrned 31mpg (which is about right as I used to get 33mpg in our 2.5tdi avant multi). However after having a 3.0 petrol for a day it was returning 28mpg. I was amazed at how economical it was, last big petrol I had was a 528i and I could not get that above 18mpg.

Take them both out for a day and then decide, the petrol is definitley worth loosing 10% economy over the diesel for. 169144-ok.gif

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Fare to say I had serious problems with my multitronic on my TDi cab, but some have had none. I would recommend the manual as you also get more torque than the auto (it had to be restricted so it wouldn't rip the auto apart).

As far as economy goes I agree with what others are saying although there has been no mention of motorway mpg. That's where you see the big difference between a 3.0 and 2.5TDi, I used to get 45+mpg on the motorway. The TD also took an age to warm up so short trips really drank juice. Something to bare in mind.

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Just to add my pence worth. I have a 2.5 TDI Avant and do just under 75 miles a day travelling to and from work. Most of the journey is motorway dual carrigeway and I get around 43 miles to a gallon. It's a great engine and pulls so well through all the gears (although first uis very short !!). The best part is the V6 sound !!

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Do take the 3.0 petrol and the 2.5tdi out.

I didn't want to say this in case it upsets anyone but the 2.5tdi cab is very lacking, there isn't enough grunt for a start, but more important than that the front end is far, far too heavy!

I do about 25,000 miles a year and I bought a 1 year old 3.0 cab for £5k less than I could find the same spec. TDi which meant the payments were £110 a month less, the petrol cost me around £90 a month more than the diesel would have done each month, so I was actually better off buying the petrol financially too.

Now, the other thing is my mate had the same car as me but the tdi, mine was moro with grey hide and his was black with beige, we both advertised ours at the same time, I sold mine in a week, he took nearly 3 months to move his, and he has a forecourt. I also sold mine for £500 more than he got for his, although he had paid nearly £6k more than me.

Buy wisely if you go for the tdi and do not pay a premium!

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but more important than that the front end is far, far too heavy!

[/ QUOTE ]

Agree 169144-ok.gif

It's very front heavy and not too great in corners

But the engine is a peach I lived with mine for 18 months and could not fault it

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but more important than that the front end is far, far too heavy!

[/ QUOTE ]

Agree 169144-ok.gif

It's very front heavy and not too great in corners

But the engine is a peach I lived with mine for 18 months and could not fault it

[/ QUOTE ]

lol.gifExcept for the gearboxes and stuff?

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I do about 25,000 miles a year and I bought a 1 year old 3.0 cab for £5k less than I could find the same spec. TDi which meant the payments were £110 a month less, the petrol cost me around £90 a month more than the diesel would have done each month, so I was actually better off buying the petrol financially too.

[/ QUOTE ]

Hurrah - someone talking sense for once! 169144-ok.gif

My 3.0 is cheaper to run than my old 1.8T (am doing 25,000+ miles per/annum).

It's a perfect mile cruncher. Recommend it to anyone!

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but more important than that the front end is far, far too heavy!

[/ QUOTE ]

Agree 169144-ok.gif

It's very front heavy and not too great in corners

But the engine is a peach I lived with mine for 18 months and could not fault it

[/ QUOTE ]

lol.gifExcept for the gearboxes and stuff?

[/ QUOTE ]

Lets not mention that jump.gif

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