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Anyone get.....?


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Yep - got one of those yesterday... my other half thought that it was a ring and got very excited, but that soon died off when I showed her what it was (and to be honest, I was pretty unimpressed too!).

Has anyone else noticed how much the box stinks too (literally!). coffee.gif

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OK, someone must be able to guess what this is about, has it just been sent out to people with new cabs on order ?, ie it is an 'engagement' ring to your new cab ?

Discuss coffee.gif

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Well, I haven't had an Audi since 2003. I did enquire about the A6, before buying the 535d, but haven't requested any info on the cab, old or new and don't have one on order. We do still have the Megane CC though, perhaps they think we'll upgrade it grin.gif


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confused.gifconfused.gif[ QUOTE ]

Yep - got one of those yesterday... my other half thought that it was a ring and got very excited, but that soon died off when I showed her what it was (and to be honest, I was pretty unimpressed too!).

Has anyone else noticed how much the box stinks too (literally!). coffee.gif

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yes, got one today, my wlfe also got excited, but this too disapeared on opening. i agree it stinks, (my wife thought it may be an AIR FRESHNER!!).....women - stick to white appliances!!!!

I dont think it's being sent just to cab orders, as i have A4 Avant, Spec Ed on order (arriving next Wednesday). Maybee its for the elusive isofix.

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yes, got one today, my wlfe also got excited, but this too disapeared on opening. i agree it stinks, (my wife thought it may be an AIR FRESHNER!!).....women - stick to white appliances!!!!

I dont think it's being sent just to cab orders, as i have A4 Avant, Spec Ed on order (arriving next Wednesday). Maybee its for the elusive isofix.

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