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Holidays abroad alone


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Could do with some sun and a holiday very soon, now I am unexpectidly single I feel a little confused what to do. I have been in relationships since I was 18 and now at 34 it all seems a little odd going abroad alone.

Any suggestions.


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Could do with some sun and a holiday very soon, now I am unexpectidly single I feel a little confused what to do. I have been in relationships since I was 18 and now at 34 it all seems a little odd going abroad alone.

Any suggestions.


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Mate, you can go ANYWHERE on your own.

You'll make friends in no time. 169144-ok.gif

Just make sure the sun is shining, the beach is golden, and the beer and cocktails are cold!! 169144-ok.gif

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Look for a trip that involves doing something rather than a trip just to the sun on your own. Companies like Explore Linky or Exodus Linky have loads of trips that involve activity, walking, sightseeing, culture, cycling, adrenalin etc etc and about 70% of folk go on their own. Trust me they are not all old fuddy duddys either - I've been on them and they are a fab laugh! Most people are 30 -45 or so, Due to the fact that lots of folk go on their own, you don't feel alone, but can still do your own stuff if you want to. Meals out at night tend to be taken in a group, with lots of wine and beer!

I went to a Greek island on my own too, but that was a sort of yoga holiday - but that was fab too - missed a lot of the yoga as I was too hung over to make the classes! cool.gif

There are other companies - think one may be called Travelbag, another one Travelsphere I think and then there are Solos holidays too which maybe focus more on the "meeting" of people rather than the activity.

Go on holiday on your own and feel more at ease than you may ever have done going with other people or a partner - its a fab way to spend a break and you'll make friends for life. grin.gif

Good luck - PM if you want more details!

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Could do with some sun and a holiday very soon, now I am unexpectidly single I feel a little confused what to do. I have been in relationships since I was 18 and now at 34 it all seems a little odd going abroad alone.

Any suggestions.


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Mate, you can go ANYWHERE on your own.

You'll make friends in no time. 169144-ok.gif

Just make sure the sun is shining, the beach is golden, and the beer and cocktails are cold!! 169144-ok.gif

[/ QUOTE ]


Couple of good books, nice relaxing time in the sun, few beers on en evening.

You won't be bored. 169144-ok.gif

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How about a language course ? These will combine something to do & meeting people with time to yourself, sun etc.

Plus you get a skill to take forward to evening classes etc. when you get back or just to order stuff at restaurants (if you take croatian...)

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