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Future CSL Values...


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Ok I have been giving the should I buy a CSL a lot of thought up till recent. Now the dilemma is slightly different. I have now ordered the new M3 with the V8 which should be with me in around 2.5 years. The question now is do I stick with the R32 until I take delivery of the M3, do I buy a CSL in the meantime or do I think about another car for the time being?

I can think of another car I would prefer over the R32 so unless you have any decent suggestions I cant se that happening. The problem with getting the CSL is that its impossible to establish how much the CSL will be worth in 2 years. I have spoken to a few dealers, with CSL’s which I have tried to do a deal with (i.e I buy the CSL off them at a good price, then when I take delivery of the new M3 then will offer me a good price for the CSL) however no one seems to want to put a value on what it could be worth. If I buy a good car now for 35-40k how much could I loose in 2-3yrs and 40k miles? Does anyone have a clue. I really want the CSL but if it makes stupid financial sense its really not worth it.

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I don't see the CSL losing a huge amount of money within 2 years Wopps.

However, financially, I'd say you're better off sticking with the R32. It's age and model would indicate it's lost the largest part of it's depreciation already and is a safer bet until the new M3 arrives.

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I know the R32 would be better, but the question is how much more could I loose having a CSL for 2 years? Im mad on my cars and the CSL is the first car ever to excite me as much as the R32. I really just want to know how much ish I would be looking at.5k-10k? I spoke to a salesman today and he could give me no clear indication whatsoever!!!!

The problem is I wouldn’t like to sell the CSL privately. I have a feeling they are not easy to shift, even now. They a e so specialist some end up stuck with dealers for 6 months. If im going to do it I want to know a) im not gonna loose too much, and b) a dealer wil be willing to take it off my hands straight away. I really wanted to do it as part of a deal with the new M3, as a sort of trade off as there will be no discounts on the new car...

Its sad, I had my hopes all built up, but unless I can sort out some sort of deal, I probably wont get the beloved light weight naughty car frown.gif

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Wopps - dry your eyes......you've got a V8 M3 on order slap.gif169144-ok.gif

If you really want the CSL then just go for it - I doubt you'll worry about the depreciation when you're pressing the loud pedal on it!

Why don't you get some fiannce quotes from dealers based on the 2 years or how ever long you expect to keep the car with the approximate mileage and see what they're committing to on residuals - that would at least give you a rough idea.

C'mon - just go and get one! I can't see them losing tooooo much over the next 2 years providing you keep it in great nick and don't put daft miles on it.

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As JHT says, just buy the CSL.

Besides, everyone in the world now knows you want a CSL because it's plastered all over here and BM3W! Put us all out of our misery and just get one fecking bought!!!!

If I was to take a blind guess I'd say an M3 CSL on a 53 plate now, with 15k on the clock, up at £35k...

...£22-23k in 2 years depending on what you're looking at, with 40k on the clock.

Total guess and no you can't sue me in future!

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I would do finance for a CSL at around £24k after 2.5 years. You may find that it is still worth £35k in 2.5 years time, but I doubt it.

I would buy one now for £35k and no more, there are some nice examples for that money, and worse case is the warranty will run out October time, so you could buy a car for £34k privately and add an extra 2 years BMW warranty taking it to £36k in total.

This would give you peace of mind and be an excellent selling point if you want to move it on in 12 months time.

Financeing that over 2.5 years should cost under £500 a month I guess, is your R32 paid for in full? or is there anything left once the finance is settled?

I would look at it like this, the more you pay off the CSL the bigger deposit you have on the M3 when it arrives anyway. As long as you buy the CSL right I think it will be a better bet financially than keeping the R32. 169144-ok.gif

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Thanks for your comments guys. MrMe I know I have been pondering it for a long time but I have to be sure. My R32 was paid for in full has 46k miles (50k I suppose when i sell it) has been tunned, has Porsche brakes and every option. It was an import so the warranty wore off July last year. Im guessing the car will be worth around the £15k mark, but if i was to keep it until the M3 arrived, with about 80k on the clock the R will be worth what 10-12k? So that’s only a further depreciation of about 3-5k. From what I can gather most of you think the CSL will be worth around 22-25k so really thats 10-15k depreciation depending on the example purchased. So really im looking at a further cost of £10k to have the CSL for a couple of years.

This is only one point though. I think these cars are hard to sell. What if I cant sell the bloody thing or have to unload it at a silly price. I heard the Oxford garage had an example in for 6 months before it was sold... and thats now, the car will be close to 6 years old when I get rid... It is a lovely idea but im not sure if its a sensible one at the moment...

As said before im not ruling the idea out, its just not as cut and dry any more. Im gonna have to have a further ponder….

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I would do finance for a CSL at around £24k after 2.5 years. You may find that it is still worth £35k in 2.5 years time, but I doubt it.

I would buy one now for £35k and no more, there are some nice examples for that money, and worse case is the warranty will run out October time, so you could buy a car for £34k privately and add an extra 2 years BMW warranty taking it to £36k in total.

This would give you peace of mind and be an excellent selling point if you want to move it on in 12 months time.

Financeing that over 2.5 years should cost under £500 a month I guess, is your R32 paid for in full? or is there anything left once the finance is settled?

I would look at it like this, the more you pay off the CSL the bigger deposit you have on the M3 when it arrives anyway. As long as you buy the CSL right I think it will be a better bet financially than keeping the R32. 169144-ok.gif

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Gizze ill speak to a couple of financing companies and see what they offer. Im not desperate there is still time... crazy.gif

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If you are not paying anything out a month for the R32 that makes a big difference, however I would say sell the R32 put £15k down on a CSL and pay £10k off over the next 2 years, by the time the new M3 arrives I bet you will get £24k for the CSL which will give you a £10k deposit on the new one.

Plus you will be in a really nice car for the next 2.5 years! 169144-ok.gif

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Your making great sense there and thats just what i want to hear! The New M3 will however be a company car. It is the firm that is putting the deposit down! 169144-ok.gif THe CSL will probably be private. The finace sounds good though. I shall be looking in to it. Just hope I do get around 25k though...

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As JHT says, just buy the CSL.

Besides, everyone in the world now knows you want a CSL because it's plastered all over here and BM3W! Put us all out of our misery and just get one fecking bought!!!!

If I was to take a blind guess I'd say an M3 CSL on a 53 plate now, with 15k on the clock, up at £35k...

...£22-23k in 2 years depending on what you're looking at, with 40k on the clock.

Total guess and no you can't sue me in future!

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this is starting to make the search for a new England manager look like a cake walk jump.gif

Wopps - why do you want a CSL and what is it worth to you now, and in 2 years ??

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Whether its with cars or business it is your obligation to satisfy yourself in every area of a purchase. I need a rough idea of how much its gonna cost me and im gonna use all my sources to get that info. I dont think im bieng a c*nt if any of your lot wanted my opinion on something, id be honoured to help you.

Anyways I have a more of an idea now. Im still going to speak to a few more dealers and see if i can cut a deal on a guaranteed buy back, and ill get finance quotes to get an idea of how much the car will be worth.

Honestly, I thank you all for your help. You may not think you have done much, but the more opinions the better


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Whether its with cars or business it is your obligation to satisfy yourself in every area of a purchase. I need a rough idea of how much its gonna cost me and im gonna use all my sources to get that info. I dont think im bieng a c*nt if any of your lot wanted my opinion on something, id be honoured to help you.

Anyways I have a more of an idea now. Im still going to speak to a few more dealers and see if i can cut a deal on a guaranteed buy back, and ill get finance quotes to get an idea of how much the car will be worth.

Honestly, I thank you all for your help. You may not think you have done much, but the more opinions the better


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I couldn't agree more with your first sentence...but a "guaranteed buy back on a CSL"....man that is funny fekr.gif

"...sure...we can do that...pay us £39k for this CSL and we will happy to give you £17k back in two years...." (now where's that fag packet to write that agreement on...?)

Also what a finance company projection says on the RV doesn't mean it's worth that after the period of the loan/finance profile.

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FFS just buy the car and put us out of our misery, Riz.

Oh sorry, its Woppum this time. smashfreakB.gif

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Lets not turn this into another CSL/RS4 wannabee thread again please.

Wopps, remember our deal beerchug.gif

Big beers all 'round.

We can speculate (again till the cows come home) forever, so lets draw a line under this and comment on actuals wink.gif

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Fatty have you bothered to read this thread or are you just complaining as you are having trouble with your piles and want a rant? I think Its fair to ask the question how much could you loose, as the dealers dont seem to know and this is a car forum filled with many members who are FAR more knowledgeable. Even if you think there is no one else browsing TSN who is currently thinking about a CSL but hasn't realised how much it would cost them, this thread still isnt pointless. It is helping ME out! Which I think is fair enough. It not like im just making a one hit wonder, ive been a member here for over three years and contributed well over 6000 posts.

My personal opinion is if you are not interested in a thread, just dont read it, I dont think anyone is interested in listening to you complain... 169144-ok.gif

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Wopps, we seem to have a common theme here, almost (if not all) all the CSL posts are perpetuated to such a degree that the only outcome will never ever be known, so we go around and around all day long and to determine what ?

In the last CSL thread, you pondered at great length on what to buy, an RS4 or CSL, you ditched the RS4 in favour of the CSL.

Your issue then was, finding the right car at the right price and I pointed out the longer you procrastinate, the more difficult it will be to find your perfect CSL time moves on .

We now find ourselves you wanting a new M3 which could be 2+ years down the FFS and you want to ponder to death the future values of a car which is out of production and has no longevity.

Christ almighty Wopps, if you are that focused and concerned on the future values of your next car, keep the R32 or buy a fecking superdooper supercar that will beat all the odds and retain it's value.

bjacks, Gareth and others have all given very sound technical and financial advice on what you should consider, now all you have to do is (as Chrispy says)make a decision and stop pondering and dithering and continuing to post pointless 'go nowhere' posts.

This is not the first time this has happened is it (be honest)

And as far as the dealers knowing the future value of cars - well, how long is a piece of string !

We greatest of respect to you Wopps, with your background, connections and those of you around with great financial acumen, I would hardly worry too much about depreciation of a 30k car over 2-3 years.

Lets say you buy one from a dealer tomorrow for £33k and keep it for 2 years and the dealers 'promises' you £21 in 2 years - are you gonna buy it or not.

A simple decision is required.

yes or no.

No if, whats, buts, maybe's - there are no answers to these...

You have to make a decision.

Prove us all wrong mate and buy a CSL 169144-ok.gif

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I dont think anyone is interested in listening to you complain... 169144-ok.gif

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Only just trying to keep the posts focused and with substance - not easy sometimes, but we must maintain standards.

As Colin says, quality not quantity.


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I dont think anyone is interested in listening to you complain... 169144-ok.gif

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Only just trying to keep the posts focused and with substance - not easy sometimes, but we must maintain standards.

As Colin says, quality not quantity.


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Whether I buy a CSL is not here nor there my question is simply how much do we think they will be worth in 2-3 years time. If you dont know the answer don't say anything. I am thoroughly bored with your constant slag off any woppum post that come along. As you have said there are many people on this forum who are helpful and do actually know what they are talking about, so why don't you try and take some of your own advice and keep this thread focused FFS!!!

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