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Made me smile - ebay Galaxy


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No I don't think that I'm your long lost husband George from Arbroath regardless of how sarcastic I appear to be. It's called humour where I'm from. Personally I think George did the right thing where ever he is.

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oh jees - i have just pi55ed my pants!!! yelrotflmao.gif

My stepdad sells a lot of bikes / lawnmowers / powerwashers etc. on eBay as a sideline business and he gets stuff likethis all the time! We have a right laugh over it...... never been offered a shed in PX though!! grin.gif

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Again no swaps....I'm sorry but the very kind gent (Donald) who offered me a weekend with his wife (and him it would appear) I have a special message for you. The pictures you sent me of your wife did not, in all honesty help. Some of them looked more like a traffic accident than something that I might remotely find alluring.

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Great stuff!yelrotflmao.gif

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I've just had a quick scout around at the other stff he's sold recently.

This is an answer to a question regarding the fitting of fog-lights to a Picasso he listed:

Yes at the front and the rear thank you for your attention to detail to my reply. These are very useful for blinding decent drivers with on the motorway. People who don't turn their fog lights off or put them on at the slightest hint of rain.... Personally my preference would be having a small vehicle based guided missile system. That would put a stop to such inconsiderate practices. Should be standard spec on some vehicles (can you imagine the mayhem??). It would also give the local Highways Agency (Who the hell calls them highways any more? Are they run by Dick Turpin or someone??) something to do with all the snow ploughs during the other 361 day a year that they sit around rusting at the tax payers expense.

The man should be Transport Minister. beerchug.gif

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