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Dangerous fecker.


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To the fekr.gif in the Ford KA. you might think you are indistructable and you could well be but me and my family are not you arse.

Coming home from work at 5 yesterday with wife and kids on board this twat in a KA just appeared in my mirrors on the wrong side of the road trying to overtake the car behind me engine screaming. He managed to do this but only just befor a car coming the otherway almost collected him. He then sat an inch of my bumper which really started to wind me up but with the family in the car and remembering the advice of so many on here i slowed slightly and moved closer to the inside of the road trying to give the twat as much room to pass when ever he decided to. HE tried on several occasions always up a hill which really he had no chance of doing. On one attempt as he dived back in behind me he almost hit the back of the car. Now At this point my family and me included was starting to get a bit worried. and as there were no laybies i was stuck. So he carried on following weaving in and out tryiing to see a good opertunity to pass but never managed it. As i knew the road fairly well i new we would be coming up to a rouadabout soon so calmed myself knowing i could let him by then. As we came up to the roadabout the twat actually overtook me on the aproach which is sigle carageway and cut me up causing me to brake very hard to let him in without colecting my car. At this point i and my wife had had enough and im sorry to say that i lost it. As we hit the rouadabout i checked the road was clear on our exit which is dueled so as it was i just flored it. Now like i said im not pleased i did this but the red mist had set in and with wife and kids getting more frietened i felt i needed to get as far away from this twat as possible. SO as i said i booted it and just passed him as we came off the roadabout and just kept my foot down till we hit our turn off. Now this is something i would not normaly do with the family in the car but i just did not feel safe knowing he was anywhere near and after he almost ran us off the road i just lost it. We have reported the incident to the police but i did leave out the bit about me driving much to fast past him. So if your in norfolk and on the A47 please look out for a grey T reg ending in EB please be careful. We did not get the full reg as we discuseed this on the way home and found that the only bit we could agree on was what i have stated.

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I tend to just slow down gradually if someone is hanging right on my tail, not using the brakes but just backing off a bit at a time until you're doing about 15-20mph. Then floor it and he'll be long gone.

If he catches up and starts behaving like a prick, I have to admit I'd then start to get a little peed off. If I've got one of my larger mates in the car I'd be tempted to have a few words but usally I find once they realise your car is several times faster than theirs they usually back off a bit.

I often find silly arseholes in underpowered sh1te trying to overtake me when I'm doing the limit on a single carraigeway road and one of the blessings about having a more powerful car is that if you see they can't make it and they're trying to get back in behind you, is the ability to give it some beans to let them get back in behind you without removing your boot.

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So easy to drop to their level and do what you did. Yes it can try the patience of even a saint when an annoyong twat is behaving like that.

next time if you see him and your in front just slow down to crawling pace and let him overtake you and be done with it.

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thaey do its because i drive the same stretch of road at teh same time of night when they are all about. Normally its about 10.30pm that they all appear but now and again you get a right twat that trys to kill everyone during the day. Seen the same 2 cars racing each other down the A47 for about the last month always on a thursday and always come past me at about tge same time of night.

I'm just lucky i guess and because im an irritating bugger (in and out of the car personality wise) i just attract them.

Think i may drive a different way home from now on. 169144-ok.gif

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they said they would try and trace the car but without the full reg it would take a while. Other than that just said that they would look into any other reports of similar vehicles. Not heard anything from them so far so not really holding out much hope of them actually bothering with it.

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Sounds like you've been fobbed off.

You mentioned that you and Mrs C disagreed about the reg no. Did you tell them your and her opinions about the rest of it? That could help - one of you might be right and the other might have the reg of a completely different car.

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We gave them both but they did not seem to bothered just going through the motions. Think i might phone the local station as the on duty officers there are usually great. Best officers i have come across are in the local station as they will come out straight away if you phone them direct. Rather than the call centre sending out an officer who is on the other side of the city and cant be bothered.

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Its such a common problem its all too tempting to just boot it when you have the chance and leave them in your wake but as above it doesnt do anything but make you feel a little better.

I dont drive a fast car in anyones book but my 2.0l focus is easily faster than most of the idiots who drive like this. I remember one occasion driving a K reg. Nissan Cabstar pickup back from the tip and being engulfed by a swarm of mopeds! It was truly disturbing that they didnt realise that should i need to brake they would kill themselves going into the back of it.

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We gave them both but they did not seem to bothered just going through the motions.

[/ QUOTE ]

Sounds familiar. frown.gif

I bet they'd have been interested if you had passed a scamera after the roundabout. coffee.gif

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like i said the county officers are in general ok but a bit slow on the uptake sometimes. The guys and girls that work at the local stations are gems they really are. I would suggest getting the number of the local station to you and in an emergency ringing them not 999.

Bet they would be there faster than the who ever was sent.

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