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For the single guys out there?


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How often do you get an STI check or do you just do it after a 'close encounter'. I had a bit of a one nighter and I cant remember a huge amount of it but I cant get a blood test for a month and I didnt want to go through the whole ear bud down the urethra thing again so I just took a one take course of antibiotics, 4 horse pills which have made me sick as a dog. Since lunch I have been curled up in a ball in my bed. Just came downstairs to take the puppy out. God I feel awful... Hopefully it will war off soon. Shouldn't have had fish cakes for lunch crazy.gif

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I realised it was 7 months since I split up with my last steady a few days ago and hence the one nighter. However I dont want a girlfriend now. Works getting heavier. Im putting my house on the market in 2 weeks, then , moving back in with the parents ( sekret.gif) until I find the perfect flat in London. Also girls is not what I want to be spending my money on at the mo. Im having a perfect balance between fun and work at the mo. I dont need anything to feck that up... Scary one nighters however can be a worry the next day..


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I realised it was 7 months since I split up with my last steady a few days ago and hence the one nighter. However I dont want a girlfriend now. Also girls is not what I want to be spending my money on at the mo. Im having a perfect balance between fun and work at the mo. I dont need anything to feck that up... Scary one nighters however can be a worry the next day..

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As well as scouting for the flat, start scouting for a f--k buddy. Far safer. 169144-ok.gif


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I did, but its fair to say there may have been a slight problem with the old Rubber. However im not worried about the potencial 'greater' problem as there is no chance I will ever see her again, in fact all I can remember is her name began with the letter.... T? blush.gif Im sure its all fine but im one who likes to have piece of mind and getting tested does that...

So anyone else had many tests or dodgy experiences? crazy.gif

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You are right funny Wopps grin.gif

I have quite regular blood-checks (usually every quarter) however it's not for STIs.. Anyway, where I get them done asked me if I wanted checking for everything else too - thought why the hell not.

Anyway, out of the blue they also asked me if I wanted my HIV result. Now, bear in mind this had been about the 5th 6th time I'd had the same checks done and they'd never asked me before shocked.gif

Nearly crapped my pants - thought they were hinting at something yelrotflmao.gif

Worse thing is when you run down the list: haven't got that, haven't got that, poo the bed I've got <insertrandomlongmedicalnamehere> .

'It's OK sir, you're supposed to have that'.

Nice grin.gif

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I did, but its fair to say there may have been a slight problem with the old Rubber. However im not worried about the potencial 'greater' problem as there is no chance I will ever see her again, in fact all I can remember is her name began with the letter.... T? blush.gif

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You're a real charmer Woppum. crazy.gif

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Mate I went to a friends end of Uni party at Reading. If you can remember that far back you will remember charming is not what its all about. It seems to be downing snakebite with an extra shot of vodka in it and dancing like a fool is what its all about. If I wanted to charm id take a Princess to Nobu and then for na nightcap and Breakfast at the Sanderson. As it happened I just wanted a drink, a laugh and a poon 169144-ok.gif

Im truely sorry if you dont aprove frown.gif

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Haven't read through this in depth, but I go and get myself checked out every now and then regardless of "steady" partner or not. And to be honest, it's very rare I've slept with someone who hasn't been a "steady" without protection, it's just not worth the risk.

Remember kids, <westwood> Strap it up before you sllllap it up </cock faced mid 40's vicar's son>

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