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German GP Thread


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Don't get me started on the new Hockenheim, these pics were took a few years ago of what is left of the old track. frown.gif



There were some more recent photos somewhere but I can't find them again, but you would be hard pushed to tell that a race track had been there as it's just overgrown weeds and grass.

But we will be only going to Hockenheim every other year as the Nurburgring and Hockenheim are to share the German GP.

But it gets even worse Mook, Hungary is next! EEK2.GIFZZZ.gif

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Turn 3 after the Parabolika is the best and only place for outbraking into the hairpin (remember Button Alonso a couple of years back?) Saying that though and the lack of activuity at a very similar hairpins at Magny Bore and Giles Villeneuve being that they now all have airflow disruptor wings for following cars, it will be another dull race.

Time to get the wood primer out. Might even have to have a 'conversation' with the wife on Sunday afternoon. EEK2.GIF

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Ha Ha - more controvery! The Renault Damper system which the FIA has outlawed since the last race, has just been declared legal by the scruitineers in Hockenheim - overruling the FIA...!

Must say I have surprisingly reached the point where I cant be bothered to watch anymore. The behind the scenes politicking and technical issues are more interesting than the races these days.

I am still fanatical about the sport but it is just so booring on TV now.

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The FIA are to appeal their own stewards decision, as they did with the BAR fuel tank saga last year. If the FIA wins, anyone running it this weekend will be disqualified from the final results.

The FIA are just moaning because they are trying to curb cornering speeds and have cocked up with having softer tyres, V8's and flexi wings for this season. Quite ironic really that Renault asked the FIA if this design was ok and they gave it the thumbs up to use...

Stoddie for FIA president please!

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After the Nordkurve, where the arrow is marked with 5/267, the track used to disappear off into the woods. It used to be a total balls out track. Massively quick and some fantastic races in the 90s.

Then Hermann Boring got hold of it and sanitised it completely.


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It used to be a fantastic track to watch with them going out intot the woods on absolute minimum downforce for the runs out on the long sections and then watch a F1 drivers real skill in bringning the car down from 200+ mph into the bend for the granstand complex and watching the car slide all over the shop through the last set of four corners.

Now it all downforce and turn the wheel 1/4 to the left, quarter turn to the right, lap completed. SLEEP5.GIF

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Tomorrows Grid -

<font color="green">1.</font> Raikkonen

<font color="green">2.</font> M Schumacher

<font color="green">3.</font> Massa

<font color="green">4.</font> Button

<font color="green">5.</font> Fisichella

<font color="green">6.</font> Barrichello

<font color="green">7.</font> Alonso

<font color="green">8.</font> R Schumacher

<font color="green">9.</font> de la Rosa

<font color="green">10.</font> Coulthard

<font color="orange">11.</font> Webber

<font color="orange">12.</font> Klien

<font color="orange">13.</font> Villeneuve

<font color="orange">14.</font> Rosberg

<font color="orange">15.</font> Heidfeld

<font color="orange">16.</font> Liuzzi

<font color="red">17.</font> Sato

<font color="red">18.</font> Monteiro

<font color="red">19.</font> Yamamoto

<font color="red">20.</font> Trulli <font color="#666666"> - Engine Pen </font>

<font color="red">21.</font> Albers <font color="#666666"> - Engine Pen </font>

<font color="red">22.</font> Speed No Time

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A stunning lap from Raikkonen, although we didn't see much of it - I wonder how much fuel he had on board.

It was interesting how the track came and went - the fastest periods seemed to be towards the end of Q2, and about 7 - 5 minutes before the end of Q3. Not many improved their times on a second Q3 run, despite having burnt off a little more fuel.

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I have to agree with Brundles comment

"Some of these guys don't look like they could drive a nail into a piece of wood."

Ralf Schumacher was all over the shop, even if de la Rosa hadn't turned in on him he'd of struggled to make the corner at the angle he was approaching from and then he almost drove into Button leaving the garage (although technically I guess thats the pit crews fault).

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Not a bad race all in all; some decent overtaking and a few good incidents (Alonso's brilliantly controlled blunder near the end showing that although he's not on the pace, he still has the tallent).

I do feel for Webber though; he drove a fantastic race and to have it all taken away 7 laps from the end must be gutting. Shame also for Button who made a good go of it and was deprived of a poduium finish by Raikonen (albeit deservedly so).

All in all, one of the better GP's of the year I feel...

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Yep very much enjoyed this one.

Good to see Button back up the front, even if he was lacking pace towards the end.

Renaults looked all at sea and Ralf Schumacher continued his Saturday tactic of driving like a complete and utter plum.

Shame for Webber too, would like to see him have some better luck frown.gif

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Webber's had no luck this season.

9 DNF's, 7 of them mechanical failure and the other two someone else's accident.

It'll be interesting to see if Renault are more competitive again next week in Hungary when (if?) they get their mass dampers back.

(Btw, if anyone can explain what mass dampers are I'd be much obliged... tongue.gif )

Another excellent race for Ferrari - they're really showing a level of professionalism that was the cornerstone of Ferrari domination upto a couple of years ago and puts many of the other teams to shame. 169144-ok.gif

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(Btw, if anyone can explain what mass dampers are I'd be much obliged... tongue.gif )

[/ QUOTE ]

As best I could figure from the explainations, its a sprung weight in nose cone that moves up and down to counteract the vibrations within the front suspension.

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